Need A Miracle? Testimony IS A Miracle
November 30, 2017
SUM Nation, OF THE MOST AMAZING BELIEVERS ON EARTH, you are the richest of believers!
I want you to know that I was overwhelmed by the reply to Monday’s post. Names came in through the comments, email, and Facebook. I wrote every name down by hand. And as I wrote your names, I blessed you. And in a moment as I leaned over the spiral binder to write another, the LORD urged me to understand something of profound love. As I wrote your name, those of your spouse and children, it was as though I could see the hand of God, quill on parchment, as He wrote your names down as well. They are inscribed in a sacred book of remembrance. He sees your faith. He sees your heart and your hope. Your prayers of intercession are reaching His ears. HE WROTE YOUR NAME!
(Sometimes I wish I could make a movie out of what I see when the Lord is talking to me in my prayer time. It’s way cool.)
Anyhoo, I was deeply moved in my heart and emotions for the love of God to take time to write down my little name, your names and those whom we love, He loves. It was beautiful.
Let’s move on to our study in the books of Peter.
A few weeks back the discussion in the SUM FB group regarding this passage centered upon submission, respect, boundaries etc. Regrettably, this is a passage that creates confusion, is often misquoted, quoted out of context and is used broadly and as an overreach from what, I believe, God intended. Understanding this passage requires Holy Spirit revelation so ask for the spirit of wisdom and revelation to help with interpretation and application (Eph 1:17).
Obviously, I believe the truth of 1 Peter 3:1, as our book, Winning Him Without Words, is based upon this passage. But where I think the overreach occurs is in determining the conditions of submission. Not the part about winning them without words.
I prayed and asked the LORD, what is your intent and purpose for this passage in 1 Peter 3:1? I immediately heard, “Lynn, read the entire book, the entire chapter.”
I did. In fact, I read the enter two books of Peter again, twice. Probably will read them through a few more times in the next few weeks.
1 Peter, chapter one, is a beautiful greeting to the “believers” in Asia. Peter wrote this letter to them, “The Elect.” (I love that identity.) But he also wrote it to all of us, the believers (This is our identity also).
We need to state the obvious. Believers are mandated with a different set of beliefs and instructions as pertaining to life and Godliness than those who are yet to believe. Peter is writing to a “church,” a group of believers who, until recently were Pegan, without God, without instruction, without the Holy Spirit. Peter is writing to these believers who received the truth, the Holy Spirit and salvation through the Blood of Jesus, the death and resurrection.
What I love about the first chapter of Peter it is a letter of encouragement as well as a reminder.
We need reminding.
I cannot explain why this is true, but we forget so quickly the goodness, the blessing, the victory we have experienced with God. I often think the devil interferes with our recollection to throw us into doubt and unbelief. That is why I love my Daily Bible. I see the goodness, the faithfulness of God in those pages. Years and years of God’s hand, love and provision in my life. I need those reminders to walk in my conscious when I’m waiting for the salvation of my husband. How about you?
Currently I’m contending for something so BIG that only a miracle will predicate the fulfilment of my hope and dream. It’s so LARGE of a prayer request that it even shakes my belief at times. I’ve been contending and praying, fasting and praying and seeking God in an effort that is different than all the prior seasons of prayer.
And as the time passes, I tend to want to surrender hope. Give up and give in. The devil likes to do this to my dreams God gave me in October. He shuts me down in November and I have likely surrendered too much to the devil’s schemes. NOT THIS TIME! I will be honest, I’ve battled fear. I even found myself praying out of fear and doubt. I confessed my fear and asked God’s forgiveness and have asked the Lord to help me be in peace and rest as I continue to believe for this dream.
A week ago, the fear subsided. In this process, I’ve needed miracle after miracle. AND I’ve received several. Outlandish and unexpected miracles. But I’m contending for more, as they are required to move forward.
Why am I sharing this in the study of Peter? Because we need reminding. I need reminding of God’s faithfulness.
Right now, I’ll bet that you are contending for some huge breakthroughs as well. Currently in my prayer sessions so many are battling depression, anxiety and fear. Many have giant needs, a new job. A home to live in. You are praying for a breakthrough for your kids who are in trouble, serious, life-altering stuff. You are praying for a breakthrough in your faith, your heart and physical body. Trust me, I know. I’m right there with you.
So, we need reminding that there are miracles in our past. There will be miracles in our future. And I feel the urging of the LORD that today, we are to share our remembrances with one another. In the comments, leave a few sentences or a complete story about a miracle in your life.
At Christmas time, I can’t think of a better way to offer worship to our LORD, through the sharing of our testimony of His faithfulness. Your story may be the very story that helps another SUMite to claim their miracle. Testimony is power in the Kingdom. Testimony can transfer to other believers and bring about healing, miracles and more.
Honor God in this. Pop into the comments. Write from your heart. What has God done that was a miracle in your life. Nothing is too small. If it was a miracle to you… It was GOD!
Love you. See you there. More to come on Peter. Woo Hoo!!!! Lynn