The Journey Continues…
God Of The Impossible

Transitions And Ministry Update


So, I think it's time for a ministry update. This is the home of The SUMite Nation. A Church Without Walls that loves God and loves people. We are dedicated to live our lives to honor God through His promises and instruction in His Holy Word. And we are living to honor our marriage and raise a family in the love of Christ Jesus. And we are powerful people of prayer and warfare in the Kingdom. We will not ever lose hope or faith nor will we allow the devil to steal our children. Never Ever. We are a bunch of gentle but fire-filled servants of the Lord and we mean to live in truth and freedom and set others free along the way. We LOVE Jesus and will remain loyally steadfast to His Kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. AMEN

Church, we are waving goodbye to Dineen Miller who joined me on this wild adventure eleven years ago. What a ride it has been. She went with me to some crazy places and we experienced together, fantastic encounters with our Lord. I dragged her into many unsuccessful entrepreneurial and ministry experiences and some that were fabulously successful. We are ordinary women who are trying to live well in challenging circumstances.... just like all of you. I pray for her success and wish her every good thing from the Father. I have a heart filled with love and respect for Dineen.

Where do we go from here?  ONWARD, PEOPLE OF GOD... WE MOVE FORWARD!

I am settling back into my Monday, Friday posts. Ian and Christy will continue to post and I have a few guest posts that will come online. Right now the Lord has not indicated to me that I should take on a new partner. I feel as though I'm a partnered with all of you. So if you have something you want to share and write, visit the guidelines in the sidebar and then email me.

The ministry continues to grow and I've heard from several places that groups of women are studying Winning Him Without Words this fall. Awesome.  Three Keys Ministries, the parent 501(c)3 Corporation of SUM ministries has been blessed with some substantial donations. We have provided books for women's prisons and I have mailed free books out all over the place for those who can't afford to buy one. The prayer book, Winning Them With Prayer, has had profound impact on the faith lives of many. The feedback on that book continues to blow my mind. Dude! These prayers really work! Try 'em out!

I am filled up to overflowing with words of encouragement and feel as though God is transitioning me into a position of a Mother in the Kingdom. (A young mom of course *grin*). So many people haven't been mothered or fathered well. So, I will continue to pray with many of you over the phone to help you find freedom and walk closer with God. (Prayer Ministry) And I pray the Lord will lead me into this new transition with powerful revelation of how to lead our family here and how to love all of you well. Please know this. I truly love you. I care deeply about your heart, your marriage, your kids and your faith. I will always pray for you.

Many of you have mentioned over time that you would like to know how I developed my intimate relationship with God. I'm currently starting a series on my blog where I share the practices, thoughts and prayers that have led me into a powerful and transformative faith life. Join me there.

If you live in Southern California, I will be speaking at an event and teaching about transitions and how to walk through them well. I believe God has me smack in the middle of this classroom right now and I'm learning a ton. If you are in the area, this is a free event, for more information and to register visit: Glorious Bride

This fall I expect some major things to start shaking in the spiritual realm. And we need not be ignorant of shaking nor be afraid. So, I will likely be posting on transitions as well as other topics in the months ahead. I will also be writing on topics that were mentioned on the community survey I took a few months back.

So, SUMites, where do you fit into all this? Can you pray that God would grow our outreach. I run into so many who said, "I wish I had known you were out there." Let people know we have this amazing place here to gather and love on one another. Tell your pastor. Give him/her a book. Pass your old books to others. If a post brings healing and hope to you, forward it to someone. 

Today I leave you with a word that God spoke to me a few days ago about all this transition. I pray it fills your heart. 

Something is about to break. A paradigm, a transition, change. Looming, thick awareness.
The pressure is building, seismic. The tension is tangible.
The strife you are feeling and warring with are the birth pangs of something born of heaven. A change, a repositioning of significance.
Breathe through the transition. 
Fix your gaze wholly on Me. In the pain and confusion that swirls about you, let My years of faithfulness be your strength and truth. 
The moment of revelation draws nigh. And the labour in prayer hastens the end. You are in the midst of the transition and the struggle is great. Your efforts intensify, anxiety is prone. 
Grip My hand as you push forward. FEAR NOT! For great is your reward. 
You will see the goodness of the Lord in this hour. Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord!

SUMites! Rise and walk into your destiny. You are sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty!!! 

Love you, Lynn

Next post: Tuesday following the Labor Day weekend.

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