Transitions And Ministry Update
The God of Hope

God Of The Impossible

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comHOPE Part II

Last week I wrote about HOPE. It's a weird thing when God takes you through a season of change. I discovered quickly that the enemy will pounce on every insecurity, past wounding and bring every difficulty in your life to the forefront in an effort to torment. In the past week, I've walked this out. Don't think I'm not immune to the devil’s attacks. But my years of walking in faith has helped me to quickly rebound so I don't stay in the stinkin’ pit for weeks. 

Anyone want to climb out of the stinkin’ pit today? Well, this is what the Lord told me yesterday and within an hour of praying this prayer, I WAS BACK!!!!! So, everything I have learned, I pass to you today. Because I am an arm of love, supported by my Jesus, reaching into the pit and I WILL PULL YOU UP!  Well, Jesus will, but I'm there with you *grin*.

Lord, align my desires with Yours.

Today, align my thoughts with Yours. Align my work to Yours. Align my heart to Your heart. Seal my life to depend upon Your life.

Align my energies and efforts to what You are doing on this earth in this season. Align the love in my soul to Your love. Align my heart to love others.

Align my eyes to see what You see, to perceive as You perceive. Align my dreams to be birthed from Your dreams about me and for me.

Align my wisdom to Divine Wisdom and to reject the voice of worldly enticements. Align my pursuit of You to be holiness, kindness, compassion, truth and righteousness.

Align myself to be a leader to others and that I would lead in humility and love. That others would then align their love to Your Presence.

Align my worship to Your heart, to bring You honor and glory. Align my words to be words that become a well-spring of hope to myself and others.

Align my mind to Your mind that I think only what You think about me.

Align my every minute of every day to offer You thanksgiving for the richest blessings of provision, protection and grace.

In Jesus name. AMEN

*I want to thank Ann Hutchison for this inspiration. She left a comment on my personal blog that was my arm of support to lift me up. Gang, we all need one another. THAT IS WHAT FAMILY IS FOR!!

SUMite Texas Update: I also want to let you know that I spoke to Martha (Debbie) and Dorothy from Texas. Their homes were spared. Hallelujah. Martha was just let back into her home on Monday. Their church is a complete mess and there is cleanup happening all over the place. Thank you Lord for your protection but we pray for those who are experiencing enormous loss. We pray comfort, peace and Lord send them every natural provision they need, times seven. In Jesus name.

I believe in God, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They are our hope. See you Friday with a powerful message of HOPE in the God of the impossible. Love you, Lynn



Register for the Glorious Bride Women's Event (So Cal. area)

In Pursuit of His Presence, August 28, 2017

The Practices of Vibrant Faith, September 4, 2017

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