A Little More About Our Summer Bible Study...
Digging for Truth in the Bible

Sumite Prayer Partners - A Prayer of Focus

Prayer Partnerships - SUM

Hello brothers and sisters, Christy Edney here! Today I would like to pray from Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world."

Oh mighty God, this world is so extremely loud, we struggle to drown out the noise and focus on your still small voice. We are bombarded with endless distractions, obligations and duties. But, you knew that we would become overwhelmed by this pressure so you planned ahead with eight words. "Be still and know that I am God!" Father, thank you for these written words, for this command to stop and focus our hearts on you. Your word promises to flood our souls with the peace of your presence if we would only focus on you. Father, bless every Sumite with this peace, giving us an intentional focus on the person of Jesus Christ. Placing our love and pursuit of him over all other people or situations. Lord, now I look to our leaders. Please provide Lynn and Dineen with a mighty band of angels to fight the spiritual battles raging all around them. Fill these women with a renewed love for you and for their husbands. Please provide many moments of love and laughter in the coming days. Mighty king, we worship you and long to walk in your presence. Thank you for being Lord of our lives. We pray these things in the perfect name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, amen

More information on our prayer partnerships can be found by clicking this link: Sumite Prayer Partnerships

I am here to support you in your prayer partnership. If you and your partner have run into a roadblock then please feel free to send me an email by clicking this link: Email Request


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