Knowing God's Voice
How God Spoke to My Heart About My Husband

A DEVOTION for our SUMite Nation

Psalm 37 3 4
Good Morning Papa God,


I humbly ask for contentment. – to be happy, satisfied and grateful for who I am, where I am and what I own. Contentment with my accomplishments and peace over my failings, faults and perceived lack.

I give You, LORD, permission to re-write my thoughts, hopes and dreams. Write into my life, daily awareness of Your Presence. Stir my heart moment-by-moment to ponder your goodness and notice the beauty which surrounds me on all sides. Turn my eyes and ears from the lies of the enemy’s camp that I am entitled to more. That I am missing out and left out and that God loves others more than me.

In the garden of Your Presence, I have everything.

My heart is renewed. My soul filled afresh. I’m washed in the blood and cleansed by the water of Your Word. You are my contentment, Father. Jesus You are every perfect relationship. Spirit, You lead me by the still waters and there I will THRIVE. I love you.


My friends, I feel as though I want to ask for prayer requests today. And I want you to pray for others in the comments. I am traveling a lot this week but I promise to read them and pray for you. Have an amazing week. I love you. Lynn

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