What Is Your Assignment From God For Your life?
Defending Our Mind

FAST 2017: Day Five

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.com

We arrived. Hallelujah!

My fast went fairly decent. Wasn’t perfect but fasted mostly for five days, (I still have today to go). I lost four pounds and gained new awe in my heart for our Father.

I feel almost melancholy that our fast is ending. This week has brought tears to my eyes, laughter to my heart to read what happened in your lives through the book and the fast. I’m humbled and in awe that our Lord is so powerful on the move to bring breakthrough to our SUM House of believers.

Today, is a special day because chapter 13 is a gift. I wrote it following a powerful prayer session. And what I received, God says is for everyone who contends for an unsaved spouse. So I pass it along to you.

Pray and release.

Don’t carry the burdens you are not to carry. Jesus died to bring us into a life of peace. And peace is His gift. Release your spouse and your worry to the King of Kings.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. —John 14:27

Read chapter thirteen and the conclusion on page 139. Also, there are more prayers in this book than I was able to connect to the chapters. READ ALL OF THEM.

Today, I ask that if you are a SUMite that you take five minutes to stop in and leave a prayer of peace in the comments. Pray peace over yourself, your family, your marriage, whatever the Spirit leads.

I will start. Jesus you said that you came to leave us peace. I know peace is only something that comes from You. I receive it. I receive peace into my home, my marriage. I speak peace over my son, Brad, daughter, Caitie, and grandchildren. I speak a new peace over my husband, Michael. I will not be troubled or afraid. You have proven your faithfulness to me year after year. Thank you for peace that surpasses all understanding. I am utterly grateful for everything you lavishly provide year after year. I love you with all of my heart, mind, soul and strength. I am yours forever. I pray now for peace to reign, love to win, hate to fail, and for Your Kingdom to be made known to a lost and desperate world. In Your Powerful Name, Jesus. AMEN

You can add your prayer and include the names of those who you are praying for. I will pray along with you. Or copy my prayer, add name and then type: AMEN

Pray in the comments. Share what has happened this week in the comments. Did you struggle? Was there breakthrough? Let me know if you experienced something new in your time with God and let’s celebrate this fact: God is good!

I love you. Lynn

*THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to those who contributed to Winning Them With Prayer. Your love of our Savior shines bright in these pages. Well done good and faithful servants!

Ian, Tara, Heather, Martha, Christi, Lynette, Jim, Dorothy, Ramona, Flavia, Joanne, Heather, Dee, Taylor, Patty, Barb, Evie, Maira, Gillian. I heart you! And Dineen, I adore you. Your design and layout efforts made this book a reality. One a saw a long time ago in my mind. You made it come alive!!

Stay tuned as we start our next series on January 23rd: Emotional Healing: How Jesus heals shame, guilt, wounding and pain.

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