Moving Day!
Expecting and Dreaming!

What Do We Do With Halloween?

PumpkinsEach year when October 31st rolls around I find it fascinating how many of us in the Christian community struggle, trying to figure out what to do with this day. Is it a holiday? Should we celebrate it? Do we allow our kids to participate in Trick-or-Treat? Is it a sin if they do?

I’m not going to jump into the debate over the real reason for Halloween. And I’m not ignorant of the fact that there are some very evil practices of the occult centered around this night. However, I think I want to share some perspective. We, as unequally yoked Christian parents, are burdened with guilt.

Churches tend to point us to their carnival night as the only right thing. Some believers are adamant that any participation at all is a slight to God. At some point, we as parents can worry that our children will be influenced or intrigued by the “dark side” if we allow them to trick-or-treat. There are a lot of different influences, ideas, and traditions that come to bear upon our minds over this one night.

My perspective is this:

Release your guilt.

I was raised in a Christian home and I also went trick-or-treating every single year. It was one of the highlights of my childhood. My siblings and I had an absolute blast and still today, Halloween brings back many fond childhood memories. I loved watching, It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and bobbing for apples, we even constructed a few spook alleys. We would have a contest between my siblings when we were older to see who would come home with the most “loot.” We would eat candy until we puked. Okay, too much information, I know!

My once a year candy quest did not turn me to the dark side.

So relax.

Make this a time to reach out to your neighbors. It’s a great experience for your unbelieving husband to walk the neighborhood with the kids and to chat with the other dads. Don’t worry if your husband objects to the church carnival and wants to take the kids out. Let him.

I will add that it's good and necessary to chat with your kids, age appropriate, about Halloween and it’s absolutely necessary we make sure they are safe, supervised, and have a candy check before they snack. But, don’t stress out over trick-or-treat.

Pray over your babies, kiss them on the cheek. Dad too! And then let them have fun! 



When Caitie was 13 she hosted a party in our garage. She decorated, made the food, (everyone brought something), played Tween music a bit too loud, cleaned up and had a blast.


Stay tuned as we move into November, December and January. Fun stuff ahead for our family of SUM!!!  Love you, Lynn

PS. My favorite is Snickers grin And thank you for all the loot you have sent me over the years!!!!

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