The Tale of Two Houses
Someone New.

God's Justice For Marriage


And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?  — Luke 18: (NIV)

I looked at Ann in stunned silence. Her words echoed in my ears as I felt the full impact of the truth just spoken.

Ann and I pray for people at our local church. On this particular morning, we prayed for a woman who was dealing with the aftermath of infidelity. The prayer time was powerful and the Lord showed up with such love and healing that the three of us were overwhelmed and a bit teary.

The woman who received prayer left the church. Ann and I stayed behind to chat. As we discussed what had just transpired, Ann looked at me and said, “Lynn, do you know what God’s justice for this marriage looks like?”

I shook my head. I hadn’t really thought along the lines that God has justice in His heart for broken marriages. He has justice for all marriages that have experienced pain, loneliness or disappointment.

“God’s justice in marriage is a perfectly restored and redeemed, blessed union. That the husband and wife will be restored to a better love. That they will be a couple, filled with adoration for one another. That respect and honor is at the core of their hearts and that they give willingly and with love to the other with surrender and patience. God’s justice is to see them rise into places of authority out of their forgiveness. That they will become so united that their children are raised in an atmosphere of love and faith in Jesus.

God’s justice is to see everything the enemy destroyed to be completely restored, redeemed and renewed. And the rest of their marriage be a testimony to the overflow of every good gift that is from heaven above.

I stared at Ann as her words fell upon me like the oil of Gilead. Her words over this broken marriage were a revelation for all marriages. For my marriage.

This is the Justice of God. It is His will to see our unequally yoked marriages become equally yoked, filled with love, mutual respect, steeped in forgiveness, honor, hope and fully devoted to faith in Jesus Christ.

My friends, let’s cry out for the Justice of God. Let’s pray the scripture of Luke 18:7 and decree that our marriage is ready for God’s justice to reign. Pray with me.

Lord Almighty, I cry out for Your justice in my marriage. I cry out for You to redeem lost moments, lost opportunities to share love, lost years of living in faith together. I cry out for Your justice to redeem our hearts, restore our hope and to pour supernatural forgiveness for one another into our hearts. Lord, I cry out for Your perfect, restorative justice that you will see a marriage redeemed and centered in Christ. Amen

If you just prayed this prayer, give me an AMEN in the comments. I'm praying His justice over your life, marriage and children today. In Jesus name. AMEN 

I love you my SUMites. Victory is OURS in the Lord! Hallelujah, Hugs, Lynn

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