Reminders That Our God Is A God Of Miracles - This is One!
October 15, 2015
Sometimes we need reminded.
Sometimes we cry out, “God, help me overcome my unbelief.”
It’s moments like I’m about to describe which will fill you with fresh hope and faith in the divine!
I want to introduce you to Keira & Kylea. (Photo below) They are seven and eleven years old. These sisters are something special and fun. These two were part of our group of friends who came from Monument, CO. Their parents gave me permission to share their story.
First let me tell you about Keira. This little girl loves to worship and dance in the isles. (So does her sister) It’s a joy to watch her in motion. Last week before the afternoon session, Eric Johnson, saw Keira who was sitting in front of me and he stopped to introduce himself. This is the gist of conversation as best as my blonde brain remembers.
Keira looking at Eric striding quickly to the front to introduce the worship says loudly, “Hi.”
Eric stops abruptly and gets on her level and asks, “What’s your name?”
“How old are you?
“I’m seven.”
“Are you having fun at Open Heavens?”
Keira replies straight out “yes” and then goes on to say, “I could have gone to Disneyland but me and my sister wanted to come here instead.”
Eric smiles broadly, “Wow, I don’t know if I would have skipped Disneyland if I was your age.” I’m watching all of this and smiling so big, enthralled in the conversation.
Eric then asks, “What’s your favorite part?”
Without hesitation she announces, “WORSHIP.” He shakes her hand then goes to the front and introduces Keira to the entire church and shares the story I just told you. Neat!
BUT….. This isn’t the best part. You see, the Lord looked down upon these two little people, who hold a GIANT faith, and He did something extraordinary.
Keira and Kylea both wear glasses. Their vision is extremely poor and their prescription for correction is strong, especially Kylea's. On the last night of the conference, unknown to any of us adults, the girls were worshiping up front. Keira was asking the Lord for healing of her eyesight. She walked through the prayer line three different times after the service hoping for healing but at the end of the evening, she wasn't healed. And of course she was sad to the point of tears.
And all this is taking place kinda late by now. As usual, we are closing the place down because so much has happened and we don’t want to leave. And although it’s now late our GOD IS NEVER TOO LATE. The conference organizer sees Keira crying and gets on her level and says, “There is no sadness here, Keira, Let’s pray.” Keira begins to ask God for healing.
Deborah interrupts. “Keira, let’s use the authority that you have as God’s girl. Tell your eyes to be healed in Jesus name.” She is literally teaching her to pray in Holy Spirit power, faith and authority.
After a minute Deborah asks her to check her eyes. Nothing.
She tells Keira to pray again the same prayer. She prays again.
THIS TIME…. She looks at the large sign at the front of the building through her glasses. It’s blurry. She removes her glasses and she can see the words CLEARLY. She is healed and her sister who is standing right there is also instantaneously healed.
Now they are really bawling. We all are crying tears of enormous JOY because these two little girls were healed right in front of all of us. Hallelujah thank you Jesus.
I had the privilege to hug them and pray with them. Kylea, drew a picture of me down to the details of my glasses and my key necklaces.
These two small girls with gigantic faith are destined to be a voice to their generation. They are the youth that will lead the church in the years to come. They will walk in miracles, signs and wonders. Oh what a glorious future for the Church of Jesus Christ!
The stories of miracles and healings in the group of people I know personally, who attended the conference, are too numerous to write them all here. But every single person that attended experienced the profound and supernatural love of our living God. Hallelujah!
I believe in miracles. I’ve received healing and I believe in prayer. God LOVES to answer prayer even when they are spoken with a mustard seed of faith. Press in. Read His Word. Pray and never stop because we are overcomers as children of The Most High God. Sealed by the blood of our Redeemer – Prince Jesus and empowered to do good works by the Holy Spirit.
We have every reason to live in bold expectancy! Pray BIG! Live large and bring heaven to earth!
This is the conference organizer, Deborah looking down at Keira who had just run into her Father's arms. (Such a beautiful representation for us all!)
This photo was taken when the girls arrived home on Sunday..... Note that something is missing from their eyes..... glasses & tears!
UPDATE: Today, October 15, 2015 Kylea, whose vision was deteriorating quickly was tested by her eye doctor: 20/25 vision!!!! Hallelujah AMEN. Our God be glorified!