Jubilee - The Restoration Puzzle
September 03, 2015
Part I - the Promise of Jubilee
Don’t you find it interesting that God established a Jubilee year?
I mean really. He knew we would mess up. Make mistakes. Go into debt. Trade our Freedom for bondage. Under the Old Covenant He also established a Family Redeemer who would rescue family members from disaster. Fascinating. I could write an entire series on that alone and how Jesus became the ultimate Family Redeemer for the human race. But, alas that will be another day. *grin*
Onward…. As we leave the year of the Shmita (2014) and head into a year of Jubilee, I think we should understand what Jubilee was intended under the law and then we will ponder what Jubilee is to those of us under grace.
As I mentioned on Monday, Jubilee was a year of restoration. “Where Jewish people were restored their “rights” to their original inheritance. Man, as I write this sentence, my spirit jumps in expectancy. Think about all that you have surrendered in recent years. What was stolen by the enemy? Good grief, I see this year in application to our faith life, in many dimensions. And think about our Kingdom inheritance. Did you know so much of our inheritance we can claim right now on earth?
Restoration & repayment.
Today I want to talk about restoration. Next week we will talk about repayment.
I’m convinced that we will, indeed be a people, who will experience restoration. Restoration can be in relationships, finances, broken dreams, faith, property and so forth.
I am experiencing some of this in my personal life and have sensed this restoration was coming for about a month now. But, I also want to tell you that restoration in the eyes of our Sovereign Lord may not look like what you are imagining right now. Let me explain.
For many of you who have been readers here for a season, you know that my son and family relocated to southern California to live near Mike and I. It’s been almost two years since they moved here. And so much happened in our family in this past two years. A lot of turmoil, warfare, in the spiritual realm. In the physical realm, my son and wife split up, then reunited nine months later.
During that season, I became a full-time caregiver for their little girl who was 18 months old. She and I were ill, physically ill, for six months last year. Colds, flu, virus, fevers, on and on… They lived with us for a year and then move to a house a mile away. Good grief. It’s been a busy few years. Sheesh. And although it's had rough patches, the laughter, joys and family love has been a blessed gift from our Lord to my heart.
Well a month ago due to some changes in their employment situation, they decided to move back to Nevada. Say What? Why God? After years and years of praying, why would you let this happen? Well this is what God told me.
“It is best for them. And I want you back, Lynn.”
Say what again? You see, I’ve been pulled in many directions that have stolen me away from the very intimate and precious relationship I have had with my Savior. *Gulp* It’s true. The illnesses, baby sitting, the turmoil. It truly did change the time and devotion I had with the Lord.
This doesn't look like restoration.
Or is it a restoration? Could the Lord have arranged this change?
Of course, I’m sad they are moving. It’s not what I dreamed. I wanted my grandchildren near. I wanted Sunday dinners at my house with little ones running around. I wanted my son and daughter-in-law to be near. But it is not to be.
This Jubilee year the Lord has decreed for me, peace. He is reestablishing peace in my life. And I am truly at peace with how this change has unfolded. My son and family will truly live better there. And I am at complete peace over all of it. So the Lord is fully behind this restoration. He is returning to me my time. And right now I perceive He is leading me into something new for the year ahead.
In fact, I believe what He is revealing to me now is His desire for all of His people this Jubilee year. I will share more with you on Monday… If you are tired of the average Christian life and your spirit is wanting more out of your faith, if you want to know God better and experience miracles and the supernatural, this “something” can change everything in your life. But I'm learning it is a narrow road that we must walk to obtain that Pearl of Great Price.
As we consider our restoration that is immanent, I ask you to ponder what God is restoring in your life. But also, contemplate what God may be removing from your life. Is it a toxic relationship? A bad circumstance, situation? Is He moving you physically or emotionally out of something into the new?
I would like to pray over your restorations and changes. If you are led by the Spirit, share with me what you are sensing the Lord is preparing for your Jubilee year.
And on Monday…. We are going to fully embrace what this Jubilee is for the people of God. He is preparing us for the end times my friends and we must be ready. Have a great weekend. Kiss your children and your spouse. Tell them they are amazing and that you are wild about them. Hugs, Lynn