I Am A Bummer Lamb
Summer Bible Study

Pentecost: Celebrating the Holy Spirit

1415366_heart_cross_2This past week my thoughts have returned over and over again to Pentecost, which is the second of the three great Jewish feasts. It’s celebrated at Jerusalem yearly, the seventh week after the Passover, in grateful recognition of the completed harvest.  

And for the body of Christ it is the anniversary of the gift of the Holy Spirit. In light of what we've been sharing here at S.U.M., I've done much reflection on what the early believers were thinking and praying over during those days between the resurrection of Christ and the reception of the Holy Spirit.

Did they question what they saw? Did they wonder what was to come? Did they to struggle to believe and to keep believing? I can only imagine how the beauty of their community continued to uplift and uphold each of them in this time of waiting. Just as we do here at S.U.M.

These believers waited as Jesus had instructed them to, and then the Holy Spirit came, full of power and fire. The Law and tradition brought them together in years past to celebrate an earthly harvest. This day, these new believers witnessed the beginning of the greatest harvest ever seen—of souls (Acts 2).

And that harvest continues to flourish and grow today. That blows my mind to think of Pentecost in this light. I feel connected to those early believers in their faith and hunger for more—to see more and to do more. To see Jesus again and His Kingdom on earth.

So, my friends, this weekend I want to celebrate this great gift we have been given in our salvation in Jesus. This last year my intimacy has grown greatly with the Holy Spirit and I love Him dearly—how He works in us and gives us the heart of Jesus and the Father constantly in this indescribable selflessness and power to bring glory to the Son, Jesus Christ. 

I've woken in the middle of the night and in the mornings with the song Holy Spirit, You are Welcome Here. One of you shared it here recently too. This song poured out from my lips at the healing rooms Tuesday, spontaneously and to my surprise (I don't normally do stuff like that). And this song seems to usher in His presence in a very special and powerful way 

Let's worship Him together, SUMites, and invite the Holy Spirit to come in greater presence and power than ever before. 

Holy Spirit, You are most welcome here in the SUMite Nation! Flood us and fill the atmosphere here in this church without walls and our homes. Move in the hearts of those we are contending for like never before. Let our homes become the places of witness and proof to the Great Harvest! In the Powerful, Living and Loving name of Jesus Christ, amen!

Joining spiritual hands with you, my SUM family, in prayer and worship! 

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