What Gods Love Looks Like
March 01, 2015
SUMite Family,
I have to share that the word “family” has taken on an entirely larger implication in my life this past week. So, to say that you are my family, please know that I’m overwhelmed with authentic love and hope for you. Let me explain.
I’m working on a new writing project and praise Jesus, the downloads are now flowing. It’s been astonishing. I’ve waited nearly a year for this past week and the few weeks that are ahead to hear the voice of God and His heart for the assignment He’s given to me. And this week in particular, I’m writing about the love of God.
The love of a Father.
Well, I don’t know how in the world you can encapsulate the love of God into a single chapter. However, I’ve asked the Holy Spirit to write this out because God will figure it out for me and then, I can’t wait to read it myself!!!! *grin* Really!
So as I’m trying to figure out what specific attributes to share and asking myself, How do I explain the love of God, the Lord decided that I need to experience His love through profound experiences all week. I am so full of the love of our Father today that when I arrived at church, I hugged everyone I could get my hands on. The Father’s love poured off of me onto people. I just couldn’t help it. And wouldn’t you know it; almost all of the worship were songs about the love of God. I just can hardly stand up under the relentless expressions of my Daddy’s love this day.
Today I feel I am to share what I’m experiencing and learning. I pray you are wrecked by our Daddy’s love this week too.
Last week as I prepared to write on this topic my prayer and conversation with God turned into cries to experience His love. I cried out, “Father, I want a baptism of love. I want to be overwhelmed by your love. I want to experience a love so grand, so profound that I see (things, people) as you see them.”
Let me share some insights of my week. They are not in any particular order:
- I’m no longer an orphan. I’m a daughter of the King.
- I don’t need to strive for His love. I need only to rest and receive His love.
- I am His happy thought.
- I am His smile.
- I’m the one He waits for in the morning when I wake because He’s missed me while I was sleeping.
- His love is abundant living.
- He has good gifts for His children. That means me…. and you!
- He is fun.
- He is hilarious.
- He is protective.
- Because of the love of God my finances look different. My health is different. My relationships are different. My perspective, hope, and future are different.
- I’m released into my creative calling. I thrive living in what I was created to do since before time began.
- I have a destiny.
- My value, my identity, dignity and dreams are restored.
- I am His treasure.
- I hear His voice.
- I know God will bless what I’m doing instead of asking God to bless what I’m doing.
- I’m His favorite. (So are you.)
- I have a family.
Do you know what it means to others and unbelievers when I truly understand that I am loved by our Father?
- People are safe with a daughter of God.
- I view other sons and daughters as someone with whom I used to compete and now I see them as someone I can complete.
- I look for the gold in people and their holy destiny thus I stop treating them based on their history.
- I celebrate sons and daughters instead of tolerate them.
- We are lovers, warriors and ambassadors.
- We are moving from a church (organization) to a family.
God is love. —1 John 4:16
God is good. —Psalm 136:1
My friends, when we truly believe these scriptures guess what happens. We see God differently. When we see God differently we then see ourselves differently. When we see ourselves differently we then see others differently.
My family, my dear adored family, I know that our Papa’s love can touch every deep fear in our heart and leave us forever change, healed and restored. We need only to cry out and ask to see ourselves as our Father sees us.
Taste and see that the Lord is good. —Psalm 34:8 I’ve come to believe this is one of the most powerful scripture verses in the entire Bible. Oh what a different life we can live when we step out of unbelief and truly know that we know in our knower that God is love, God is good and God has good things for His kids.
I pray that when you read this phrase today: I love you, that you somehow hear the Father whispering the words directly to your heart.
And finally, imagine what our pre-believers might experience if we begin to see ourselves as God sees us. A Holy mind-blow!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Lief Hetland. You inspired the many affirmations of this post.