The Joy Set Before Him
A Change in Perspective, Part One

They Heard A Voice

This week something supernatural happened that made national news. I will say that I'm not surprised as I have expected that the world is going to see more and more of God's supernatural intervention in our world. What so great about this story is that four men corroborate the story.

A mother and baby were in a car that careened out of control and cashed upside down in a river. The mother was killed on impact and the baby survived for 15 hours strapped upside down in her car seat. That is a miracle in itself but what I'm interested in is what happened when the fire and police arrived to initiate the rescue. 

Rescuers Heard A Voice

Then, suddenly, they started hearing the distinct sound of a woman’s voice, calling to them to help.

We heard a voice saying 'help me, we're in here.' It was clear as day. We replied back 'hang in there, we're trying what we can.'

“We replied back ‘hang in there, we’re trying what we can.’ ”

The voice motivated them to push harder because they believed there may be someone inside who was still alive. With their adrenaline pumping they pulled the heavy, water-filled car onto its side and discovered the driver was dead.

The officers had no explanation for the mysterious voice that appeared to come from inside the car. Beddoes said he said he wouldn’t believe it really happened had not the other officers heard it, as well.

“I don’t know what I thought I heard,” he said. “I’m not a typically religious guy. It’s hard to explain — it was definitely something. Where and why it came from, I’m not sure.”


Listen to this video and share your thoughts in the comments. Hugs, Lynn

PS. You know I'm just seeing the title of this video and NO I don't think the voice is the mothers. Just sayin'.

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