This Time, I Prayed Differently For My Husband -Chronicles Of The Donovan Clan
February 15, 2015
I started to pray differently.
My friends, in the past two weeks I’ve experienced a shaking. A shaking in my prayer life, my husband has been shaken, our marriage too. God is shaking things that have been entwined in our marriage for nearly two decades.
Two weeks ago I prayed for my husband and since then things have been different. I want to tell you about what happened but I want to first say, thank you for praying for me.
Prayer matters.
Prayer is powerful.
Prayer connects us to the heart of the Father.
Prayer activates the angelic.
Prayer defeats the demonic.
Prayer changes circumstances that were unchangeable.
Prayer is our weaponry in battles big and small.
Prayer is our worship in thanksgiving.
Prayer is….. our lifeline of hope, blessing, deliverance, healing and victorious living.
Okay, is that enough reasons to sit down in the morning with our Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit?
I want to tell you that my personal breakthrough came because months leading up to this shift in our marriage, I was writing out scriptures specific to answered prayer. Man, there are such promises from God. I take a small sheet of paper, write the date on top, then the scripture and claim it as God’s faithful promise to me and then write down my prayer. I have slips of paper stuck in my morning Bible all over the place with these promises and these scriptures and my requests.
I challenge you to do the same for the next 30 days.
I’m convinced that my claiming of scriptures helped to bring a change to the way I’ve been praying for my husband’s salvation. For years I’ve prayed, “Father, save my husband. Bring him to salvation and faith in Jesus.”
I’ve prayed every variation of this prayer for years and years. How about you????
About a month ago the Holy Spirit said stop praying that old way. You haven’t seen any results after more than 20 years of marriage anyway. Ouch! And instantly I knew I was to pray differently for my husband. (Thank you Holy Spirit)
I began petitioning heaven with passion and with belief and scripture promises this prayer. “Lord, let me lay hands on my husband and pray over him. Let me BLAST him with the Holy Spirit.”
Yep, indeedy…. That’s a different way to pray!!! But I prayed on. “Papa, just open an opportunity to pray aloud with my husband and let me lay hands on him and blast him with the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Two weeks ago the Lord opened up that very opportunity. It was so unexpected and it came with a massive spiritual battle beforehand. And a few days prior to that, a shaking started in our marriage. And with that shaking an understanding and revelation about our relationship came to my spirit. My wine drinking was directly tied to our marriage. As soon as I prayed and broke that tie in the spiritual realm, I haven’t had a glass of wine at night since. I also was able for the first time to see (discern) some darkness lurking in his heart, fear, deception and a few others. I could see them for the first time looking into his eyes one day while he was speaking to me in the kitchen.
And after the battle was over and I still stood in the power of Jesus. Then Mike and I talked things out for a long while. Finally I asked him if I could pray. He agreed my friends and he didn’t agree to placate me. He wanted me to pray.
And because our God is so strong, amazing and can do all things, I gently laid both hands upon my husband and prayed with power and blasted him with the Holy Spirit.
It’s been two weeks. And I recognize a clear shift in our marriage. He’s more attentive, kind, he’s taken me out for a date twice in two weeks. I’m not sure what is going on in him with regard to faith. And honestly, I’m not sure I’m ready to ask. But I’m a relentless pray-er and my Dad is all powerful and His promises are assured to me as His kid.
I will never stop praying. My prayers may change through the different seasons but I remain steadfast and declaring that my man WILL come to faith one day and say to the SUMite Nation that he loves Jesus.
I will ALWAYS have hope. I have the entire Kingdom of God at hand to walk with me. I have abundance, mercy, grace, goodness and a love from my Father that overwhelms me every day.
I have a supernatural weapon of great power. It’s prayer.
I have an intimate relationship with the living God of the Universe. It’s through prayer.
I have watched people receive healing. Through my prayers.
So, I have a question for you today. Could the Lord be asking you to pray differently?
I love you so much my SUM family. It’s been a wild two weeks. In addition to many breakthroughs yesterday for the first time in months and months the Lord is now downloading words for my new book. Oh and my friends, it’s even better than I thought. I can’t wait to read it myself because when the Lord writes, things happen. Have an amazing day in His Presence. And if you want to pray in the comments, I will pray along with you.
Quote your scripture and then pray away. Every Sumite that reads it, prays in agreement with you and it gains power in the Supernatural realm. Woo Hoo!!!