The Three Deadly Ds: Dubious Doubt, part 2
November 20, 2014
On Wednesday I shared the first part of the first of the Deadly Ds, “Dubious Doubt.” Scroll down and read part one if you haven’t already, that way you get the full picture of how doubt can impact our faith and what happens when we start to see it and push it off, with the help of the Holy Spirit. I’m excited to tell you the rest of this story because I want you to learn this valuable lesson and begin to walk in more breakthroughs like I am, praise God!
Now the conclusion of Dubious Doubt…
As a result of God lifting this shroud and showing me the full scope of what doubt does to our faith, I have been praying for Abba to remove this doubt in my mind and heart, I have chosen to believe all the things God has told me and I have begun reclaiming what the enemy has taken away from me. I believe that was lost will be restored, just as God’s Word says:
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. — 1 Peter 5:10
My friends, I have been praying this truth for months and declaring it will be done. And that is exactly what is happening as I have begun to refuse doubt and choose belief. An astonishing shift and breakthrough has come as a result.
On Tuesday I worked in the Healing Rooms in our area. Nothing was going to keep me from going—the enemy often tries to prevent me from going. Knowing that I had been praying for God to clear the way and prevent any hinderances. We are in the middle of a repipe in our house and issues have cropped up, keeping me at the house to monitor the work. And it was looking like I would have to be at the house again on this day.
But God answered my prayer in my sweet hubby, who offered to work from home so I could go. My pre believer husband stayed home so I could work in the healing rooms. How cool is that? God makes me laugh a lot at how He does stuff.
Now, I had been asking God for more for our healing room’s team and for those coming for healing. I stepped into belief as I never have before in asking God for more of His presence and healing power to be present and released in our healing rooms. If you look at the accounts of Jesus’ healings, it always says everyone was healed. Not some—everyone. I wanted that for our team and especially for all who were coming for healing.
As my teammate and I prayed for our first person (we start out knowing only if the person is male or female), God shared His heart with me about this person, much to do with His pleasure over how she carried His holiness, His plans for her (divine destiny) and a promise to do what she asked.
Then I heard “knees.” Seemed a little off track, but I wrote it down anyway. Then we brought her into the room to pray, she shared a list of health issues and finished with the one that bothered her the most.
Her knee.
We shared the precious words God had given us for her and then began to pray. As she sat there, I placed my hands on her knee, believing that Jesus would do what He said. I believed it, told Jesus since He said it, it would happen. He told me “knees,” right?
At the finish of this prayer, I asked her if she felt any difference. She again described what was wrong. I was not about to give up! I had chosen to believe what God told me was true, and I wasn’t about to back down now.
I told her to stand up. With my hands on her knee we prayed again, believing that Jesus would do what He said. But this time, I prayed for Jesus to remove all doubt. I don’t know why, but I have learned that the breakthroughs we receive become the power behind our prayers and are often the very thing God winds up calling us to pray for another person.
So I prayed in the Spirit and in faith. Jesus’ healing came down wave after wave so strong that I could barely breathe! We finished praying, then asked how her knew felt. This time she smiled, said it was much better, and not only that, God had given her a picture of the bone being restored.
Breakthrough! We continued to pray for each one of her issues and a couple more she boldly asked for healing for, including arthritis in her wrist. She moved her wrist more freely right away! Each step emboldened her to ask for more!
God gave her a special image for each part He was healing, showing her what He was doing. What’s so amazing is this was the ultimate purpose of God’s for her, because her deepest heart ache was that she felt she hadn’t heard God in a long time. Yet image after image was coming to her!
Doubt had been removed! Her faith was reaffirmed and she was encouraged!
My friends, this dear woman wasn’t the only woman who’s faith was emboldened. I saw first hand what happens when doubt is removed. Miracles happen. God showed me this clearly not only in this woman but in me.
I believed God would do what He said. And He did.
“Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” — Mark 11:22-24
This is not a name-it-and-claim-it style of belief, or prosperity religion, or whatever you call it. I’m talking about God’s truth. This is about believing His Word and trusting Him to do what He says. All of it. What He has shown you in His Word, He will do. What He has spoken to your heart, He will do. Our God is faithful and He cannot lie.
The very next morning as I sat in my quiet time, I read this quote in my devotional book (The Listening Heart by Judy Morrow):
You have trust Him in few things, and He has not failed you. Trust Him now for everything, and see if He does not do for you exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ever have asked or thought, not according to your power or capacity, but according to His own mighty power, that will work in you all the good pleasure of His most blessed will. — Hannah Whitall Smith (1832-1911)
I knew right away God was saying, “See? See what happens when you refuse doubt and believe Me?”
My friends, I want to encourage you to begin a rampage on doubt, just as I am. Let’s capture every thought of doubt and bring it before the enlightened truth of God’s Word. Does it still stand? I bet you it won’t. The Holy Spirit will help us do this—I know He will.
Our God doesn’t want us to be doubters. He wants us to be His believers!
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