Dream BIG! Don't Miss This Chance To Dream With God
What Does This High Holy Day Mean To Believers Today?

This is Your Divine Destiny. Don't Give It To The devil!

The Ugly Word for 2014                                  Part I
The Key to Powerful Prayer                            Part II
Dream Big!                                                      Part III

Lynn here! I have some crazy but good stuff to share. Here we go!

I believed a lie about my creativity.

On my dream list for this fall I have penned a sacred dream that is precious to my heart. And over the last nine months the devil has done everything to destroy that dream. I became so overwhelmed by the lies of the enemy and spiritual warfare that I handed over my authority over this dream to the lie and it was taken from me.

It pains me to even type these words. Most of the time I believe and live in God’s truth and have been living there for a long time. So to realize that I allowed the devil to steal truth from me, and even worse I believed the lie over what God had to say specifically about this dream, has grieved me greatly.

I’m going to share with you this very private story in the hopes that you find your freedom through it as I did. And with a greater hope that you don’t waste as much time nor experience the heart ache, confusion and pain that I experienced.

My dream came to me on a Sunday morning in early spring of this year. I was at church and we had just finished worship. I sat down, took out my Bible and notebook listening intently to the pastor share his message. And suddenly (remind me to share with you later about … “And suddenlies.”)

And suddenly, a download straight from heaven hit my brain. My pen started whirring across my notebook. Words were flowing, chapters were forming. I drew arrows to connect ideas. I heard God tell me to include such and such in the appendix. He said He wanted a box where He spoke directly to the reader. Chapter content emerged and suddenly…..

…… a book was born.

But this book wasn’t like any other book that I’ve read or written. Oh Wow, Lord…. Just wow!

Today I’m compelled to share this story because the devil almost stole from me, my divine destiny. It wasn’t my brain that came up with the chapters and the appendix, nor the chapter outlines, it was truly God. And to top things off, one day while sitting in church back in May, a guest speaker began to speak. He stopped in the introduction and looked right at me I had only met him for a moment before church. I told him I was preparing to start a new writing project. He said:


Tctv050414 Abner lynn's word


What you just listened to is very personal to me. And as I just listened to it again, I broke down and wept. The grace of God is so overwhelming at times. His favor upon our lives is enormous. How could we be anything other than thankful and full of faith?

Listening to this again just shames me that I listened to the lie about the calling on my life.


SUMites, my sisters and brothers, what lie has the enemy told you. Where has he taken your creativity? Please, please let me now be the voice of Jesus and tell you to take back your dreams. Take your creativity and use it for His Kingdom. Help your children learn to use their gifts for His glory by watching you use yours. Let your creativity lead your husband and children to faith. Let the world see the greatness in you and they will bend their knee to the King of Kings.

You have more in you than you think. You are stronger than you know. You have angels standing beside you, waiting to fly into motion at your mere whisper of command. God has prepared you for a profound, life-fulfilling calling to impact the world.

It only takes a small yes. A Yes when he asks. An ounce of faith. The faith of a mustard seed and you will step into this new adventure that awaits you.

I’m convinced that we believers are living on the leading edge of the MOST profound time of God’s history….. EVER. I think we are poised to see God show His signs, and miracles.

I know this because I have already witnessed Jesus heal people through prayer and the laying on of hands. I have felt His healing power flow from my hands.(What??? This just still blows my mind) All of us can and will see miracles and more. It starts with one brave step. One small yes. This is our moment to take back what the enemy has stolen and use our God given gifts for the Kingdom.

Upon this day, Rosh Hashanah, Jesus we ask for Your great favor upon our lives. Show us where fear and unbelief has allowed the enemy authority over our lives. Show us how to close those doors to fear and unbelief and the devil. Teach us to say to you firmly with a supernatural faith, YES. I want my gifts of creativity back. I want to be used by you to impact people. I want to love so big, so lavish that I see every person who I meet as you see them. I want to never be offended by anyone again. I want to love You with all that I have and love people.

Lord, lead me and teach me to step into my divine calling and ministry THIS YEAR. I ask for you to place an unquenchable hunger in my heart, mind and soul to know You more. I want the More… More of you. More of you. More of You. I ask for Your gifts. Gifts of wisdom and revelation (Eph 1:17) Gifts of love, joy, peace…. (Gal 5:22). Lord, I want to see You move on this planet this next year in a way humans have never seen before. May all that I do bring honor, glory and love to Your heart. In Jesus powerful and redeeming name. Amen.

I love you my brothers and sisters, so very much. It’s a divine privilege to walk with you into the months ahead and rejoice as we see and participate in what God has planned for our hearts, our homes and the world.

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.com

Never forget: You are God’s Workmanship! How amazing is that?

Matthew 17 20

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