Growing Up Social: Raising Relational Kids in a Screen-Driven World
This is Your Divine Destiny. Don't Give It To The devil!

Dream BIG! Don't Miss This Chance To Dream With God

Rosh Hashanah 2014 begins in the evening of Wednesday, 
eptember 24 and ends in the evening of Friday, September 26.

Do You Dream?

I know we all dream when we sleep. However, it is rare that I remember my dreams. I know that God speaks, even today, through our dream life. And many of you have an active night life *grin*. (Acts 2:17)

For many believers, because they are so busy during the day, they rarely sit quietly before God and listen, so it’s only at night, when we are still that we are positioned to hear the still small voice of God. (1 Kings 19:11)

But for me I can’t seem to recall my dreams very often. So what is really cool about that is that God wakes me up on occasion. Today as we move into the “New Year” I want to share what I heard God whisper to me a few months ago. And as I sat quietly before the Lord this morning, it was as though I heard Him shouting now that what I heard is not only for just me but also for you.

So a few months back, I woke from a sound sleep in the middle of the night. It was dark in the bedroom and for some reason I became completely awake and opened my eyes. It felt as though the Holy Spirit was standing over me for hours, waiting for my eyes to open and it was at that precise moment, that I heard, “You are My craftsmanship.”


I laid in bed staring at the dark celling, pondering this message. Craftsmanship? Craftsmanship? What does that mean? Is that in the Bible? Why are you telling me this Lord?

The next morning the Lord directed me to a specific verse. And wouldn’t you know, it’s in EPHESIANS CHAPTER TWO. I can’t tell you right now how profound that is to me. I have a post planned for next week about this very chapter.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. (KJV) —Ephesians 2:10 

I’ve looked at the definition in the Greek and various translations and the word, workmanship, is defined. As a poem (poiēma —isn’t that cool), A work, a craft, Art, trade. 

We are God’s art, His Poem, His work, His craft. We are created for good works as the verse continues. My friends, each and every one of us was created…….

To create. 

We were born to create. To be creative, to dream up crazy, wild, imaginative stuff and create something beautiful, something useful, powerful, lovely, fun, transformative. We were born for THIS purpose. What I’ve come to know is that the great deceiver has stolen that truth from God’s children. The devil has lied to so many through a parent or teacher who said we couldn’t make anything worthy. Or that to be creative you must sing, dance or paint. 

Creativity is everywhere and I promise you this, you have been given a gift to create. It may be with drafting, with math and money, the ability to gather an effective team, teaching, decorating your house, parenting well. You may be able to sing, write or paint. These are all part of God’s great works that He created for us to do here on earth before the world began. 

So today as we pass before the Lord on this, The first day of His New Year, let’s dream. 

Let’s Dream Big.

Dream ChallengeI want you to take out a piece of paper. On the Top write Rosh Hashana 2014-2015 Dream List: 

Then start writing out every dream you have for your life. Nothing is off limits. Dream Big. Write down even the dreams you’ve dared not share with anyone. This year we are going to dream with our Papa and allow Him to stir many of these dreams into life in the next 12 months. 

Do you want to see if our God moves upon our dreams? Then get your paper and start writing. So far, I have 23 dreams written down. I will share a few with you to give you a taste that I dream BIG with God.


  • Experience “The More” of God. I want more and more….
  • Signs and wonders, gold dust and glory clouds and Your name honored among the nations
  • Publish my next book – You Make Me Brave
  • Second book -  Loneliness in Marriage
  • Bring my body into full submission
  • A cabin in the mountains
  • Holy spirit encounter for my children
  • See angels
  • A great marriage for my daughter in the future
  • Great marriage for my son in the future
  • Financial ability to pay for college
  • Understanding of the three keys I’ve received
  • To dream more
  • To laugh more
  • To love everyone
  • To never be offended again, by anyone.
  • Lay hands on more people and watch Jesus heal them
  • And mostly…. The complete and Holy Spirit baptism and salvation of my husband, Mike 

Okay, was this enough to get you started? Today or tomorrow, go to your secret place (your quiet place) with God and say: 

“Lord, I’m ready to dream. Show me what we might do this year. I cast off all doubt and I demand the silence of voice of the enemy that is trying to keep me from dreaming Your dreams. I choose to believe in You and Your Word that says I have good works for my life that You prepared before the world began.” 

Let’s create my friends. Many of you are supposed to write, to sing, to unite the church, to speak to nations, to draw. You are destined to raise children who will soar for the Kingdom, to plant and harvest, sow, reap. You are meant for greatness. Do you hear me? YOU ARE MEANT FOR GREATNESS! Let’s step out of fear or our comfort. Silence the lies and become the child, the blessed and creative child, of the Most High God. 

In Jesus name. 

Okay, get started. Leave me at least five of your dreams in the comments and I will pray in agreement over them. And my friends, I feel as though God wants me to hold your list in my hands in the next several weeks, to take them with me to the Open Heavens Conference and receive anointing. So write out a second list, (must be in your handwriting. I don’t know why but I sense it must be penned by you), mail it to me. I will pray with passion over it and take it with me in October and then send it back to you later in the month. 

What do you think? 

Okay, five of your dreams in the comments. See you there. Oh and pray for one other person and their dreams today. Leave them a comment and say, I prayed for you. 

Can I just say, THIS IS THE BEST FAMILY ON THE WEB. I love you SUMites. You are amazing and I am so excited to see where our dreams take us in the next few months. Love and hugs forever, Lynn

image from

Lynn Donovan
43952 Barletta St.
Temecula, CA 92592

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