God Has Declared Himself As The Greatest Physician
Battlefield of the Mind: Pleading the Blood of Jesus

Chronicles of the Donovan Clan - My Son And The Conference

Hello My Friends, 

Well, last week was quite the adventure. The conference did not disappoint. I learned a lot about fear. And my friends I think I have a lot to say about that four letter word. ahem…. 

My son was able to attend two of the four days. Hey, I will take what I can get. On the first day I was worried that it might be too much and that he’d tuned out. I glanced his direction and he was furiously typing on his phone. At the next break I casually asked, “So who were you chatting to on your phone?” 

“No one.” 

“Well what was with all the typing?” 

“I was taking notes.” 


He pulls out his phone and there are pages of notes from the past session. 

Can I just get an….. “AMEN”

Who knew. 

Never, ever, never, stop praying for the prodigals, and the unsaved. Because this is another living proof story that God never stops His pursuit of men. 

I think my most favorite part of the conference was the one hour drive home on the first day. My son and I talked the whole way about his faith and about many aspects of God. These are the kind of conversations believing Moms wait for all of their lives. It was divine. 

I’m so thankful. Grateful to our God. Every day, in every way, I will shout to anyone and everyone who listens…… ‘God is good and He is faithful. Even in the dark night of the soul. Even in absolute evil circumstances our God remains good.” 

And today I declare. satan you are a looser. You have no hold on me, nor my family. I will fight bloodied, bruised, but standing fearless with Jesus and legions of angels for my family and for every SUMite and their family. In Jesus name. Amen 

I have so much to share. I could write posts every day for the next four months but I won’t freak you out and overwhelm you. 

But this Friday. God has finally shared our next community miracle project. When God told me what to do, I was at first scared. But NO MORE. I can’t wait to do it. I can’t wait for you to be part of it. And you can be part of every stage if you want. More on Friday. 

Finally, it was my great honor to meet a SUMite at the conference. This is me and Carmen Mata.

Carmen Mata Lynn Donovan

I love you so much my friends. I am praying for a breakthrough for you… And I’m EXPECTING one. Just because our God is THAT good. Hugs, Lynn

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