NOW... That's a GOOD Word!
February 07, 2014
Hello Everyone.
Today I’m going to do something a little different. I’ve been reading back through the notes I took at the conference last week.
Wow!! SO GOOD!
So, today I’m going to share some of them. I pray with the Holy Spirit power and anointing that these words are taken in through your eyes. Then they penetrate your heart. Then I’m asking the Holy Spirit to make them alive with power and authority and with love, joy and peace in your life. By the time you are finished reading, I’m hoping you’ve experienced an encounter with THE MOST HIGH. In Jesus name.
2014 is a year for the open door. There are doors standing open that God’s has made available to His people. Doors of new beginnings, Holy Spirit, Re-start, harvest, and we are to walk in and release the Kingdom of peace and joy.
It is a time of fire- Baptism of fire. The fire of holiness. We are in the beginning of the move of fire.
This year many will experience an increase in Words of Knowledge. God will release the Hope-Ambassadors in waves. It is a year of restoration. Stop and see the one person in front of us.
Only love can make a miracle.
There will be a joining of the generations, young, old and in-between. We need each other’s voices in our lives and to join together for this great harvest.
Bloodlines are being delivered. And promises that were made to your ancestors can be claimed in your generation. Promises that were caught up in corruption will be redeemed.
Our Jehovah Jireh: There will be a transfer of provision.
Women will be welcomed out of a place of suppression.
God is seeking those who wear a spirit of love. The measure of love in your heart, your ministry, is evident in how you love people who are paid to help you. Waitress, service industry, disenfranchised.
God doesn’t care about what you don’t have. He only cares about what we have. (He can bring great works and miracles from little when it’s surrendered to Him.)
You are more than your strengths. You are more than your weaknesses. Sometimes God causes us to work in our weaknesses. (2 Corinthians 12:9) God wants to use you in your weakness so that people know it’s God using you.
There is a great wave of miracles coming in 2014.
When you read a story in the Bible it’s not just history. It’s meant to be lived.
It’s time to ask for the nations as our inheritance.
(It’s time to ask for the SUMite Nation.)
John 5:19 See what the Father is doing and do likewise.
God is searching for Burning Ones. Zechariah 2:5; Who will bring encounters that bring the harvest. John 5:35
The merging of the generations is key to bring about the harvest and the anointing of power. Unity releases God’s fire.
Anointing comes when you have positioned yourself for it and when you have paid the price. Anointing can happen and it will. But it will stick to a person of character.
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus to You. Luke 3
Worship is more than songs. It’s posture and attitude of your heart. It’s recognizing God’s rightful place in your heart.
Thankfulness releases glory. Feel under attack? Start thanking God.
What is the fire of God? LOVE
When seeking God; He hates multitasking.
Half-hearted obedience is really cloaked rebellion.
Psalm 100:3 Troops will volunteer freely. (SUMites???)
How do you amplify God’s voice? Intimacy
It’s a sign of immaturity if God has to shout at you.
God has secrets Proverbs 22. God hides secrets for us and from us.
John 16:13 He will guide you into all truth.
Stay like a child.
Don’t think you know what you’re doing.
Always give Him the glory. Then I will use you.
2014 will be a year God’s people understand the AWE of God.
Okay that’s plenty for now. I still have a ton of notes from one session that is about family. God’s family. I will write about that soon because…. That’s a good word!
Lord, let these words fall upon the paths (hearts) that are open. Let them multiply thirty, sixty, a hundred times in their lives and the lives of others. Lord, may these words spoken by men and women who love you, rise up in us and may all that you desire and will be accomplished in this family and community of SUM. In Jesus powerful name. Amen.
Speakers: James Goll, Chuck Pierce, Sean Boltz, Stacey Campbell, Jereme Nelson, Bobby Conners, Kris Vallatton