A Letter From Heaven
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What Happened in 2013?

17430183_sMy friends, as we draw closer to our fast next week, I think it’s important that we look back and see what happened over the year. I love to look back at what I wrote in January before during our 2013 fast and see what promises and words Abba gave me came to fruition. And this year, I truly needed it.

Much has happened in my own personal faith walk. Abba gave me the word “worship” last year not just for me for our community too. Thus was born our Weekend Worship segments and worship has become a vital part of my faith walk this year.

But I felt like nothing had really changed in my family. Until I went back and read what Abba spoke to me last January. Two things stood out. The first one was about the word Abba gave me for husband—something He hadn’t done before.

That word was "prosperity" and came with a verse (Proverbs 11:25) that popped up many times over the year and even shifted in its relevance for us.

Let me tell you there were many times over the last year where I wondered if I’d heard right. We went through our roughest financial trial to date, and we are still recovering and will be for months. But to look back showed me that Abba did move and provide in stunning ways (even to sending the $80 I needed for medications) and opened a door for my husband professionally what will continue to open more and more over the next three years. It’s a slow process, which is exactly how it should be as we learn more and more about stewardship. Abba told me my husband would be blessed through me and that is exactly what has happened as I contended for my family this past year.

The second one my daughter Leslie helped me see. Abba told me in January that her verse for 2013 was Joshua 1:9 and that He would give her courage and strength. From my perspective, I hadn’t seen much of a change in her and have even despaired over it. Yet last week she did something stunning. She ran to Target the day after Christmas to exchange something—by herself. That may seem like a little thing but for my girl who struggles with anxiety, that was huge!

When I told her how proud I was of her, she told me she hadn’t had an anxiety attack all year long. Wow. Abba did give her the strength and courage SHE needed, not what mom thought she needed. And on New Years Day, she wanted to run to Walgreens and asked if anyone wanted to go with her. Tired lot that we were, all declined. She still went on her own and enjoyed her outing. Wow!

My friends, what about you? How has Abba moved in your life this year? And if you haven’t already, begin seeking Abba for what He wants for you in 2014. Write it down so you can go back next year and see it. Write down! I love doing this and even begin praying for my word in December so I am ready to hear it during our fast. This year before I could even finish my prayer, Abba rushed in and spoke it clearly to me.


Chosen, as it says in Ephesians 1, that we are chosen. When I heard this, my mind accepted it as I always have, that I am chosen by Jesus, just as you are. But Jesus wanted me to understand that there is more to this word than I thought.

I’ve always seen it as a broad word that applies to all of us across the board. But He said no, “this is not a one size fits all, Dineen. I chose you just as I created you—specifically.”

And then He impressed upon my heart that this is true for each and every one of us. True for all yet individually specific to each of us in the how, why and purpose.

So seek Jesus, my friends, for what He chose for you. Not just what you are to do to serve, but for your life and who you are. He also told me this would be a “Year of Intimacy.” I can’t wait!

Tomorrow our very own Teresa T. will introduce us to our fast and has an amazing word for us each day next week. I’ve had the privilege to take a sneak peak and I promise you will be amazed at what Teresa has written for us. On day one she has a special gift for us that will bring you to tears so have a tissue handy. I bawled like a baby!

Get ready to be encouraged, inspired and loved by Jesus. Because He chose you. He CHOSE you.

My precious and dear friends, I can’t wait to meet you in the comments next week as we fast. I am already praying for you in many ways specific to what you have requested already and to what Abba has laid upon my heart. His love and passion for us is so deep and true and wide (Eph. 3:18).

Love you all so much!



Image credit: lenm / 123RF Stock Photo

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