This Is For The MEN - Men of Valor
November 08, 2013
My friends, today this post is for the men. There are actually more men that are readers here than you might think. And let me assure you that they are men who love Jesus and who also love their pre-believer wife. They also struggle with many of the same issues that women wrangle with in their marriages. But they often have even less support for their faith journey than we do as women.
My heart is full for these strong men of faith. I love you and I offer all of my prayers and encouraging words of love and support for you.
So, today, it’s time to share with you what I saw during my vision of the King of Kings, Jesus in pursuit of men. I hate to even breathe the word, Bride of Christ in context with men and their relationship with Jesus but what I’m about to describe is the bride of Christ as Jesus sees it. How He views men that are being pursued by Him. I’m sharing this visual because when I was having my vision of becoming the Bride of Christ (read that story here), I asked God, “What does this look like for men.” And God gave me a picture. So now I share it with you.
In this picture I saw men standing in a line, shoulder to shoulder. They were being honored before a great crowd of witnesses by the Prince. They were battle weary and worn, yet filled with a vigor and vitality that caused them to be raised up, fully filled with energy, purpose, power and determination. As I looked at these men they were wearing pins and badges and ribbons upon the chest of their uniforms yet the uniforms were their everyday clothing. They were men wearing slacks, I can see a blue checkered shirt and men in jeans and shirts. Short men and tall men, men who were humble on earth and yet enormously powerful and brave in the realms of God’s Kingdom. On earth they were ordinary men. Men who held down jobs, played with their kids, mowed the lawn, who thought often about God and His ways and purposes while mowing the lawn or driving the car.
They were men who PRAYED.
They prayed with power and things happened on this earth because they were wise and courageous and even they dared to ask God to do the impossible. They were men who loved God and were declared destined to be Kingdom fighters. They may be perceived in the world as anything but warriors but they ARE the true warriors.
As I watched I saw the Prince, The MIGHTY King Jesus approach this line and He passed out awards for their service. These awards were more metals for their garments. These awards were of great value and they represented words: Such as: Men of valor. Men of purposes. Men of wisdom. Men of courage and boldness. Men who were the representation of the fruits of the Spirit.
I keep hearing the words: Men of valor.
And then the picture changed and I was allowed to see Jesus standing up at a large table. Seated at the table were these ordinary guys about 10-12, now fully clothed in uniforms that were adorned with their metals of honor. This room, this table,…. It is the war room.
Again, an analogy that came to me, These men had been invited into a room of great power, much like if they were invited into the situation room with the President. But, this war room was so much more. It was a position of great honor. To be invited into this room was to bestow the highest trust in these men. Because Jesus was asking these men to make decisions for Him. Jesus trusted them so highly He was placing His kingdom control, fortune and existence into their hands.
The awe, respect, confidence and power given to these men by Jesus was something that I don’t fully understand nor do I provide a sufficient description. But, somehow I knew that Jesus had walked with these men through so much on earth, through their everyday lives, watching them remain faithful to the Kingdom and because of that Jesus is filled with love and thanks. He counts it a great honor to invite them into the most highly valued place of prominence in His dominion.
Wow…… Just WOW!!
Now like me perceiving myself to be the Bride (singular), it’s difficult to see yourself, SUMite men, as one of the few men in this room but you have been so highly esteemed for your love and faithfulness here on earth that Jesus has selected you to sit with Him in the war room. And this is a virile Jesus. Strong, forceful, willful and valiant. He is the King of a vast kingdom. I watched as Christ asked for these men’s opinions as they viewed maps on the table and I saw in my mind’s eye, Jesus fist-bump the guys when victories were achieved. Jesus is your best friend. You and Christ face, discern and handle everything together and He consults you for your wise advice.
Say What????
After the fist-bump, the picture faded. I was left with awe. Once again awe. We are in a season of grasping the awe of God, His Son and the Spirit.
It’s the Victorious King who holds the keys. And we are His.
My friends, we are the body of Christ. Lynn
Psalms 33:8
Let all the earth fear the LORD; Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.