The Aftermath
Weekend Worship — Puppy Love

Prince Jesus Sings

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comMy friends, we are drawing to a close of this story. Although I’m feeling like I’m just getting started. It’s as if a bright door with brilliant light has opened before me and it beckons. It’s so bright that I can’t see past the door frame but I know something warm, good and holy waits inside. I’m filled with trepidation and yet my soul is compelled, drawn to allow this Prince Jesus to summon me further into His Kingdom. 

It’s been three weeks tomorrow since I met this Prince and our new and different love affair is only beginning. I remain in awe. I'm filled with a holy fear and reverence and also I know I'm in over my head with this King who loves tenderly and woos me unto Himself. 

And what does that look like? 

Well right now I can only give you a simple story.

On the Monday following my experience in the healing rooms, I’m at home and I wake early. I shuffle out to the coffee maker, scoop up my Bible like every other morning and sit in the family room to read and pray. It’s moments like this that life returns to normal and it’s routine and you fear that you will lose what God gave you over the past four days. Because I’m back in my home and I’m still married to an unbelieving man. I have dishes to do. Errands to run and the dog wants his breakfast. Nominal, ordinary, everyday stuff. 

Yes, two days ago I had a life-altering encounter with the Most High, The Prince of Peace. 

How do I move forward? How can I proceed with such a change in my heart and soul? I know most of us have lived in this very place. We return home from a retreat, a mountain top experience, and as much as we experienced and changed, “real” life awaits. The enemy is prowling just waiting for a moment to destroy our newly found hope and joy. Can anyone relate? 

Well, I have more to say about that later but let me take you back to this Monday morning. I’m sitting in the family room. I am so hungry for God that I just remember praying, “I’m hungry for you Dad. I just want your heart. I want more of you. I want all of you Prince Jesus. Fill me with your Spirit. And Dad, give me more love. More love to give you and more love to give to people.” 

I close my Bible. I shuffle back to the kitchen, feed the dog, the fish and head to the bedroom. I change into my walking clothes and I drive out to my walk-n-pray wilderness. I turn on my music and begin to walk still marveling over all that has transpired. And also asking Jesus to come and woo me, all the while wondering what in the world will that look like. What does that even mean? 

I had walked about 20 minutes and as an old familiar song, one of my favorite worship songs ended, I stopped singing out loud, waiting for the next song to queue. It was a fairly new song in my playlist. It was Your Voice by Kim Walker-Smith & Skyler Smith. I began to sing along as I walked briskly down the vineyard-lined, country road. I sang the lyrics in worship while thinking about this Prince who galloped into my life two days earlier. And as I mulled the words of this song over in my head, THAT IS WHEN IT HAPPENED. 

I was singing:

There is no greater need
You make my life complete
You set me free

Your voice alive in me
The sound of victory
You speak to me

Your voice is the light 
Shining through the doorway
Of my heart and comes alive
When You speak into me

You're my life
You're my life
You're my life
You're my life

And as I hit the chorus of, “You’re my life. You’re my life.” I heard distinctly the voice of Jesus speak to me and he said, “No Lynn. You are not singing these words to me. (Don’t you get it) I’m the one singing these words to you.” 

Yes, you guessed it. Blubbering ensued. Again!

Wait a minute. Jesus is singing to me….. Your voice is the light shining through the doorway of my heart and comes alive when you speak into me.  You’re my life. You’re my life....... 

Gulp. I’m still emotional typing this three weeks later. 

Well to say a certain 5’4” blonde girl was astonished is an understatement. I don’t think I could do anything else the rest of the walk but just receive this love that Jesus poured upon me whether I was ready or not. 

I arrived home. And what is a girl to do when she is being pursued? She calls her girlfriend, her BFF. Yep, Thank God Dineen is on speed dial. I explained to her what had just happened to me on the walk and she replies: 

“Oh Lynn, your being wooed.” 

Double gulp! I didn’t even realize. Thank goodness for girlfriends who help dull ones like me, figure things out! Sheesh!!! 

More crying. Sniffle, sniffle. More awe. More love….. More. 

I just want more. 

As I leave this post today, I just can’t get out of my mind what was said at the conference: Bobby Conner said that God is wanting His people to embrace THE AWE OF GOD. So I’m certainly on this path. I’ve never understood the awe of God, His Son, Prince Jesus, of the Holy Spirit as I do today. 

And as I leave you today, I’m asking that every single person who reads this will receive an encounter with the Prince and that you will fully experience the awe of being the bride of the Most High King. 

Prince Jesus, woo my friends, this SUMite family. The Bride adores you. Reveal Yourself to all of us in supernatural encounters that leave us wrecked, changed forever. We ask to help us embrace the awe of your power and love. Teach us, grant us wisdom and understanding. Make in us a people that are worthy, a people of maturity and purity. Fill us with your love. Prince, we want more. We want more. We want you. We want your heart. This is our plea for all of our lives. Amen. 

See you next time as I have two remaining posts that are part of this series. However, there is so much more going on in this community that I will likely have other stuff interspersed. 

I love you my friends… my family. I carry you in my heart. 

This entire story is my testimony and now I anoint it and pass it along to you that you may partake of it, receive it and may it manifest in your life.

Revelations 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.


White Open Door
Will you walk through this door with me?

"Image courtesy of ponsulak,".


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