His Name was Tyler...
Weekend Worship — A Holy Encounter?

The Bride - Becoming

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comOn Monday I left you with the mind-blow image of becoming THE Bride of Christ. Did this vision mess you up or what? 

Well let’s keep moving because there is more my friends so much more. Last you saw me I was with Dineen bawling on her shoulder in the classroom. Thankfully, the class ends. I have no idea what was said but I do want to publically thank Dineen Miller for holding my hand and letting me cry all over her. Gang, we all need a Dineen Miller in our lives. AMEN! 

So, we head to the car. I’m still reeling in pain. I have such a giant pain in my chest that has been opened up and won’t go away. Now I’m certain that the vision that I experienced was to uncover this hidden pain and bring it out so it could be healed. And I’m also certain that Jesus is the one to heal me and fill in that empty universe. But it’s still hurts right now. Deeply. So my healing isn’t instantaneous. Oh how I wish it was. But isn’t that what it’s like in so many areas the God is trying to heal in all of us? It’s a process. A learning journey of trust and surrender. So, I’m fairly certain I’m already on my way in this journey and I’m expecting Jesus to show up and woo me in the days ahead. 

Dineen and I stop for lunch before heading to the airport. Over salad and an apple fritter, I tearfully describe my vision. I know she tells me about what happened to her, but my friends, I’m so messed right now I can’t hear or comprehend much. I’m describing the pain and the emptiness and sweet Dineen looks at me with such love in her eyes and says, “You have always had to be the strong one, haven’t you.” I gulp. Nod. Can’t speak again.

So much for lunch. Couldn’t really eat anyway. We get on our way to the airport. It’s a two and a half hour drive. We talk a little. I hear pounding horses hooves the entire two and half hours. She drops me off and I fly home.

Arriving in San Diego I am still shell-shocked but not completely incapacitated. I retrieve my car and start the one hour drive home. I am still in physical pain. Deep pain and I’m so messed up that it will be impossible to keep this under wraps from my husband. 

I arrive home and we exchange our normal greeting and chit chat as if everything is normal. My poor husband has no idea what he’s dealing with. He quickly finds out. Somehow we are having an ordinary conversation and he says something to me that I perceived as harsh. That was all it took. A torrent let loose in the Donovan house and my poor man became swept up in it all. 

{I will interject here. …. I promise I’m not crazy. I remind you, I’ve had an encounter with Prince Jesus. That will mess you up a bit} 

Ahem, onward. 

Now get this. We get into a fight. Geeze. We argue. I explain to him what happened. I don’t hold anything back. I tell him all about Bethel, the demonized people I saw that were set free, lives that were transformed, the vision I had and why I’m in so much pain and thus sensitive to his harsh comment. The poor guy looks like a deer in headlights. 

At this point, of course we are not fighting at all, we are laying together on the bed. My head on his shoulder and I just pour it all out to him. Hmmmmmmm, makes me wonder what he is going to do with all of that information. 

Finally, all is well within the Clan. Mike leaves to watch some television. I’m utterly exhausted, and remain understandably overwhelmed and I still am experiencing pain in my chest. I turn out the light and go to sleep. Or at least that’s what I wanted to do. But I can’t sleep. 

And that’s when the NEXT most amazing thing happens. Tune in on Monday and let’s finish this story. 

Revelations 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

SUMers, I must ask you a question as we close this week. Do you have a vast emptiness of loneliness that you are feverishly trying to fill with things of the world, a spouse? It's not too late. Your healing is at hand for Dineen and I are committed to help you discover the love that fills this space.

This love is Jesus, Prince Jesus, The Holy Father and the Spirit.

Pray right now: Lord, I want your heart. I want more of you. I ask that Prince Jesus will fill my vast cavern of loneliness and begin today to bring me to complete wholeness, healing and to walk in Your Presence every day. In Your Son's name, Jesus. Amen

If you prayed this, leave an amen in the comments and I will pray over you. I love you. I really love you. Lynn

1 Corinthians 13:33 (NIV) And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

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