Weekend Worship — I See Heaven
Be On Guard—It's Time to Pray!

Donovan Update

Good Monday Morning My Sumites!!

I arrived home this weekend after a few days of fishing in the California mountains. Yep, my daughter and I went fishing. We had a great time minus an almost visit to the ER when my daughter was ill. I prayed for her and so did many of you who are on our 1P3 loop. Thank you. God showed up. She felt better almost immediately... All was right with the world.

Below find photos from our adventure. I offer you a glimpse into an ordinary woman's life. An ordinary gal who is in love with an extraordinary God. Being in the mountains was like looking into the face of God at every turn. I glimpsed unmatched beauty in His creation. I inhaled deeply the gentle aroma of dawn (like the aroma of heaven) as I sat on a rock and read my Bible every morning. It was beautiful, peaceful and restful.

Now I'm home and I'm fired up wanting to stir up the Holy Spirit among our community, our homes and our world. So get ready because on Friday I'm going to talk about something deeply sensitive and we need to work through this particular issue together.

The following photos were from the Kern River and from the Sequoia Nation Forrest where we visited the 100 redwood giants. These trees are approximately 1500 years old and were simply astonishing. Thank you for allowing me time away. Thank you for loving me. Hugs, Lynn

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Such Beauty. This photo is my screen saver.


The deer who came up behind me while I sat on a rock and read my Bible on Tuesday morning.



Crazy Kayakers... They were a hoot!!


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Giant sequoias are slightly shorter than the coastal redwoods, more massive, and considered to be the largest tree in the world in terms of volume. The largest sequoia and the biggest living organism on earth is the General Sherman Tree in Sequoia National Park, which stretches 275 feet high and 36.5 feet in diameter.



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You could throw a small party inside the trunks of some of these living trees. Astonishing!

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On Friday, September 30, 2011, two giant sequoia trees fell side by side across several portions of the Trail. The two sequoias, joined together at the base, were approximately 280 feet tall and have a combined diameter of approximately 17 feet near the root ball. Caitie and I climbed up and walked the length. (Don't tell the Forrest Service *grin*) This is Caitie on the top of one of the fallen trees. Give you perspective.
We had a blast!


Some other interesting sights:


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Yep, It's Caitie looking out from inside this living tree.

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I love finding the unexpected.

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I can't even begin to explain what this is or how it was formed in nature?????

Dinner!!! Sorry if I grossed you out!

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Mountain Bluebells

I truly appreciate and give thanks to God that I was allowed to see His majesty and experience His Presence in such unsurpassed beauty of His creation. 

Have an amazing week. And I will see you all on our Facebook Page and here again on Friday. Hugs, Lynn 

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