When You Thought I Wasn't Looking
A Keen Perspective

A God Encounter Changes A Marriage

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comCrossing the Jordan series has covered a lot of new territory that we haven’t trekked before. I’m convinced that God is using this online community of The SUMites to take His love encounter to the communities where we live. Please know the Dineen and I have literally prayed and prayed for this very thing.

So why do we write about living in the Presence of God? Why do we share with you how to move closer to God and how to encounter His power, love and grace especially since this is a marriage blog?

It’s because when you have finally stepp over to the other side of surrender and fully embrace the love and power of the Most High, marriages change. Our children change. The very atmosphere of our homes change. For example.

A giant issue in my life was attending church alone……. Today, it just doesn’t matter.

Fears that my daughter won’t become a believer….. It just doesn’t matter (as much). I KNOW God's holding her in the very palm of His hand. I know because I've asked Him to do so.

Television disagreements with my husband….. don't mater any more.

Morality clashes……


Money worries……


It’s not that I don’t think about these issues, I do. And I pray about them a lot. However, they don’t cripple me emotionally anymore. Nor do I place unnecessary worry and fear in my heart over them. 

And I share this with you with complete honesty and conviction. I serve an all-powerful God and He absolutely has my best interests in the forefront of His mind and heart. He is completely capable to handle all of these marriage issues and He WILL work them out for my good and His glory. The only thing I need to do is to pursue this fantastic love relationship with Him, to live in radical obedience and to move when He tells me to. And THAT move is usually a step of faith. A step of faith takes courage, and trust and absolute obedience. But when you step in with the Father leading the way, you will encounter Him in the supernatural and be astonished at the depth of His lavish love. 

Dineen and I experienced this supernatural love encounter with the Most High in October in Bethel. And once you’ve stood in the Presence of God, you are never the same. It changes everything. We are desperate for all of you to jump onto this path with us.

We must settle two things in our minds, then we are ready to step over to the other side. We must believe what God says about us and Himself are absolutely true (Bible). We must KNOW who we are in Christ. We must settle these matters firmly and forever. Who is God? The absolute beginning and the end of all things.

Who am I? I am Royalty, a child of the Most High. God’s Word tells me over and over who I am, it descirbes the love that is mine, the power I possess and the purpose of my every breath. Wow, what peace comes when we have fully accepted the truth of our identity.

And as I type all of this I want you to know something. You don't need to be perfect. I'm far from it. I still have hangups and sin issues (Big stuff I'm still working through). God likes to use us broken and messed up people because when we are redeemed it SHOUTS to the world the power and love of our Great King.

So jump into this Great Awakening. I know many of you already have. Pray something like this.

Dad, I don’t want to sit on the sidelines any longer. I believe that if your word says we are to heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received then I want to do all of it. I desire to live in your presence Lord. Show me where I grieve the Holy Spirit and empower me to cast off all sin that keeps me from a vivid relationship with you. Affirm in me now and forever who I am. I am Royalty. A child of the Most High. I walk in Your purposes and privilege. Lord I’m hungry to receive your gifts of the Spirit. Healing, prophecy, speaking in tongues. Lord all of it. I want all of it that you have to give to your children. Teach me. Affirm me so that I will never come into agreement with the lies of the enemy again. In the powerful, name of my King, Jesus. Amen.

 As we ponder these words today, who of you can share a story with me and our family of SUMites of how God changed you first then you saw change happen in your spouse or kids? I would so dearly love to read these accounts. Also, who would like to share an encounter they had with our Most High God? See you in the comments. Hugs, Lynn 

So on  Friday I will finally get around to sharing the words of Christ as He demonstrates the step of faith in front of a couple of guys. (I hope we get there on Friday *grin*)

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