A God Encounter Changes A Marriage
Prayer for The Many

A Keen Perspective

IStock_000011902087XSmallMy friends, I have to tell you that this post was birthed from the title first. I don't know why God does it that way with me but He does. So as I prayed for this weeks words, the title came. I looked up the word “keen” and found this definition and these synonyms:

—having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm, a keen desire to learn, sharp or penetrating, eager, anxious, intent, determine, champing at the bit, ardent, passionate.

A Keen Perspective. I typed it at the top of a blank page and sensed what God wanted this message to be about. I understood this is what kind of belief God is calling us to. What I have to share in the rest of this post will require you to have a “keen perspective” of God, of His kingdom and of what He is doing all around you.

I spent a lot of time in Acts the past week and I knew somehow (Thank you, Holy Spirit) the story of Saul's conversion—his encounter with Jesus, his ensuing blindness and three days of complete fasting and prayer. Then his scales fell and, in my mind's eye and my own interpretation, Paul was born.

It's about rebirth and transformation. Ongoing and never ending if we allow God to continually do these things in us. We are never completed or finished, which is a good thing. We have the privilege to constantly growing and changing and becoming more and more true to the image in which we were fashioned after.

It's not about the destination, it's about the journey.

As I shared, during my week of reading Acts I felt drawn read and reread Acts 9 and Paul's transformation. So miraculous and astounding, right there. Paul could have stayed in this place, figuratively speaking, for a long time, but God had so much more in mind for Paul than a moment. Jesus had a lifetime plan for Paul. Not an easy one but one I dare say was way beyond what Saul had imagined for himself as a scholar or a Pharisee.

Paul now had the very presence of Jesus to take his theology and connect the dots to this man's heart and soul. What Paul had read about now met him square in the face in truth and transformed Paul’s very being. The change would be unmistakable and very clearly of God’s hand. How else would anyone believe Paul was the real deal?

And as I read this somehow deep in my spirit I knew this message was for us. I haven't shared with you that one of my gifting is prophecy because there was a time years ago as a new believer that I was criticized in this area and shut it down out of fear and hurt. But it's always been there simmering under the surface. Since our encounters with God at Bethel Church in Redding, CA, God has called Lynn and I out to walk in our giftings in many new ways. We did none of this, aside from saying "yes" to God's call—a call He extends to all of us.

As I said, I read Paul's story over and over again. A message stirred in me and I now feel led to share it. I debated, to be honest, wondering if this is still part of my time of training (In the past I've gotten many personal messages, but lately what I'm hearing has been more for the community and my church.).

Okay, I think I've danced around this long enough. Here is what I heard and I do believe it is for our SUM community, the Sumites. Prayerfully read the rest of this post. I will be praying for the Holy Spirit to move in every person who reads the rest of this to receive whatever God has for you.

"My people are like Saul during his conversion. I’m speaking to their hearts, telling them great things in preparation for the scales to be removed. Three days—this time is invaluable. Fast, be still, pray, listen for my voice. Great transformation is coming."

I believe the “three days” is figurative. The call to fast, be still and pray as we listen for God’s voice is not. God is calling us out in a mighty way, my friends. Our Sumite community is being raised up in a unique way, all according to God’s plan.

What you don’t know and I now sense God wants you to know is that early last year, we received an email from a reader that her husband had come to Jesus. A tearful and joyful moment to be sure. As I praised God I heard Him speak to my spirit, “This is the first of many.”

Since then Lynn and I have been praying for “the many” and praying for the right time to share this with you. In the last two weeks we’ve received three letters either by email or Facebook—one man returned to his faith and two others are asking to go to church with their wives and praying.

And now I share one final message I feel God has given this amazing community of believers, sisters and brothers in Christ, who are walking in the love of Jesus and want to desperately share it because we live with someone who desperately needs that love.

Sumites, for that reason alone we have a unique calling that goes beyond us, beyond our marriages. As I’ve shared before God is a redeemer. He wastes nothing. We’ve been thinking and believing that our calling is right in our homes, in our marriages. And God is saying, that is just preparation for a greater movement that He is getting us ready for. God is calling us to believe Him like we never have before.

My friends, my heart for you grows daily! I leave this final message with you. Know that I love you all so very much and am praying for you!


Let’s pray: Lord, we stand before You with hearts and spirits ready to receive whatever You have for us.

Call to Preparation

As Moses prepared the Israelites, I am preparing this community for a great work. I need open and willing hearts ready to go forward because it’s time to step into new territory. This is my call of preparation. Prepare your hearts for my presence and my words. You’ve asked for the hearts of loved ones for a long time. I’m ready to move but you must be ready too.

I’m calling My army to rise up. I’m bringing dead bones back to life, bringing dead marriages back to life, turning hearts of stone to hearts of flesh. The time has come to act and move. This is your time, My daughters and sons, your time to walk in great victory and claim your inheritance.

The enemy has tried to convince you that you haven’t been faithful to Me and that you are powerless. This is far from the truth. My heart grieves to see you broken and weeping in these lies when the truth of your true victory lies almost right in front of you.

What lies ahead will be difficult but I am always with you. You don’t need to even ask that because I am always with you. Always. Trust Me for every step, look to Me for your every need. As I am with you, I am also already ahead of you preparing the way. And I am at the end of this journey as well, preparing your banquet table.

Do you not see My heart for you? Do you not see how much I love you? I sing over you and I dance for you. Every step of faith you take propels Me to rejoice and dance and sing in celebration. I beam proudly and point at you and say, “See her? She is my daughter and I am well pleased with her.”

The smallest of steps brings you closer to Me because you have chosen to trust Me more.

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