Honor and a Little Humor in Marriage
Good Marriage Advice

Weekend Worship — Set a Fire!

My friends, Lynn is at a women's retreat this weekend, serving as a leader for her church. I would love to direct our prayers toward her and the women she is serving this weekend. She has such a heart for these women and wants to see them walk in freedom. We are praying for godly breakthroughs and for God to set a fire in their hearts for more of Him. That's a prayer that God delights to answer!

We are praying this for our upcoming conference in April as well. God is moving in undeniable ways that are beautiful, stunning and for our generation, my friends. Let's pray for Lynn and pray for God to set a fire down in our souls that we can't contain that we can't control because we want more of God!

Love you fiercely with the passion of Jesus!

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