God Set Me Up!
March 20, 2013
I wrote that post from the comfort and safety of my home, from my favorite chair where I sit and meet with God each day, feeling quite content with the Jordans and Jerichos I’d already put behind me (yes, there will be many in this life of growing in Jesus!) and without any thought or consideration that God might just be setting me up.
Well, He did. Big time.
Let me back up to last fall and tell a snippet of a story from when Lynn and I were at the conference at Bethel. During the first night of worship, God gave me a small glimpse (thankfully because I think more would have crushed me!) of His heart and put a calling on my heart.
My friends, I honestly wasn't sure what to do with what I heard so I've been praying over it ever since, asking God for understanding and guidance, for people and training—whatever I would need to move forward in this calling.
Saturday the first answer to this prayer presented itself. And it scared me. Here was the door opening to an opportunity to be educated and trained just as I’d asked. My Jordan was my fear. Would I dare to move through it to walk through that door?
My fear ran the gamut, my friends. From going to a place unknown, both physically and spiritually, to how it would affect my family as far as the time commitment. I saw all kinds of reasons to justify not taking that step of faith.
And only one reason to take it. Obedience. In my prayers I'd told God I'd move forward if He sent me what I needed. He kept His part of the deal and now I will keep mine.
So here I sit in my comfy chair again writing this post with a whole new perspective on Jordans and Jerichos because this is a big one for me. Am I still scared? Yes, I am. I've always struggled with the unknown, as I imagine so many of you do. We want to stay safe and comfortable in what we know. But to do so would mean sacrificing what will most likely be one of the greatest adventures of my life because God never disappoints. He’s big and awesome and, praise Him, completely in control.
I am stepping forward—my trust in God is putting my faith into action.
I don't know what the Jericho is in this story yet. Just as the Israelites didn't know the full picture until the walls came down, I suspect I won't either until the fuller picture comes into view. I trust the waters of my family and time challenges will part as God makes the path clear for me.
My friends, I'm closing this post with the hopes that you will be inspired to take that scary step into the waters of the Jordan before you. God has big stuff in store for us. Let's take this next step together!
Love and TREASURE you all so much!