God Knows Your Name
February 01, 2013
First, I have to set the stage and share something that happened to me Monday because as I walked through it, God told me to share one part specifically with you. I woke up Monday morning and went into my quiet time a bit unsettled. I know God is working some stuff out in me but I’ll be honest, I wanted to run away and hide. God said clearly to me, “I have a work to do in you.”
Okay, when God says something like that to you, do you want to tell Him to hurry up? LOL! I know I did, but I didn’t think He’d take me so seriously!
So, out I went for my walk to worship and pray, obeying the nudge to do so because the next thing God said was, “I have much to tell you.”
Now my brain tends to get really overactive and the best way I know to quiet it so I can hear God is to play worship music. Finally after one lap of walking and fretting, God did “His work.”
My friends, I kid you not, I walked around that park bawling! Yep, wet faced and runny nosed. I don’t know if anyone noticed, but I was “leveled.” God spoke to my heart and mind about the spiritual gifts He’s given me. And my name.
You see, about a month ago I listened to a podcast from a friend and in it He spoke about God’s name for us. Did you know God has a special name for each of us?
But now, this is what the Lord says—he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. — Isaiah 43:1
And the Lord said to Moses, I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name. — Exodus 33:17
Scripture puts a lot of emphasis on names. Remember how God gave specific names to Jacob (Israel), Abram (Abraham—father of the Jewish nation), and Simon (Peter)? And we all know how important the name of Jesus is.
After I listened to this podcast, I asked God what His name for me was and kept praying for a few days. God first told me to know His names, so I began looking at His many names and the meanings behind them.
Then one day as I was walking and wasn’t even thinking about it, God spoke to me my name. I’ll be honest—I guess I was expecting something different, but I will say that it made sense based upon the ways God uses me.
But on Monday, God spoke to a deep insecurity in me that I hadn’t even voiced in relationship to my name. I thought my name and how I am called to serve came as a result of my past because so much of what we do go through winds up in His hands to be used to comfort others (2 Cor. 1), right?
God told me that my gifts and name are not a result of my past. They are part of my identity in Christ, part of who God created me to be before I was even born! I am not handicapped or impaired by my past, nor are my spiritual gifts. Here I was thinking that I was working in a limited way and God said, “My gifts for you are complete because they come from Me—from my strength and power.”
My friends, when God spoke to my heart this truth, I started praying for you, because I wanted this truth to come to light in your lives too. As I prayed for this, God said to me, “Tell them, Dineen, share it with them. Tell them their past does not define them.”
Whatever God is calling you to do or be, it’s because He planned it from the beginning. Not because of what you’ve lived or experienced in your past. Those areas will only enhance the spiritual gifts God has for you and only if you let Him. Let Him do that work in you!
So, my precious friends, I want you to pray and ask God what His name is for you. This is deeply personal, so write it in a journal and add to it as God shows you more of who He created and uniquely designed you to be. Do feel free to share in the comments anything that will encourage others, but only what you feel comfortable sharing.
You may not hear Him right way. It may take a few days or even a few months. Don’t despair. In God’s time, He will speak your name to your heart and don’t be surprised if it’s also indicative to whatever area you find yourself serving Him or a direction or place you sense Him tugging your heart toward.
God made you, created you and named you. He loves you that much and KNOWS YOU THAT WELL (Psalm 139).
Rest in His amazing love and truth, my friends. God has called you by name!
You are in my heart and prayers!
Love you all so very dearly!