Welcome To The Terrorist Training Camp
January 14, 2013
On this bright and crisp Monday morning where it is colder here in Temecula (So California) than Chicago, I WELCOME YOU. I also welcome the FBI who likely will be reading this series because their computers have just detected a blog using the words “Terrorist Training Camp.” Hi Guys!!!
Yep, that’s us.
For the next few weeks, as long as God leads, we are jumping into some serious warfare training. I am so tired of the devil and his minions terrorizing the children of God. Fed Up!
It’s time for the children of God to take back their authority and it’s our time to be doing the terrorizing.
We, the believers, are NOT going to live in fear of the enemy. God’s word is filled, filled -I tell you, with every good word and truth to expose the enemy, to release us from fear, give us deliverance, and power over the accuser. So it’s time to reveal the lies and render the enemy of our soul powerless and send him running for cover. And by that I mean it’s time to cast this ugly dragon back into the pit of hell.
Are you with me??
A few things before we get started. I know that there are seasons in our faith life. Seasons when we are up for the battles and also when we are at peace. There are seasons when we are bruised and weak. I know there are times when we aren’t feeling the warrior instinct, I get it. So, if you are not exactly in this season where you are all-fired up to fight the beast, I understand. I know that you likely need a word of empathy and compassion and that you need someone who understands to just hold you while you cry. I understand.
I can promise you that we will be writing about our brokenness and healing of our hearts in the future as well. So, hang tight and read along with us. Because one day, you WILL, be up for the fight and I want you to have the knowledge and the power to fight for your soul, your children and your marriage. I want you to have courage and not fear the enemy. Please hear me now, I love you and I will fight for you when you are weak. And one day when I’m weak, you will be there to fight for me. I love you with such a furious love that God is moved to touch your brokenness. Write me and let me know how to pray for you. email me
Okay, onward my warrior friends. ONWARD… (I can hear that old hymn, Onward Christian Soldiers….) Yikes, dating myself.
Here are some areas we are going to cover in the next few weeks: Isaiah 61.1, Kingdom authority, fear, agreement with the lies, names of spirits, generation curses, rules of engagement…. And this is just some of the things I want to talk about.
For the first time in a very long time I read a book about warfare that actually gave me real tools to deal with the spiritual realm. I recommend that if you want to really understand more on the invisible battle, you buy this book, Spirit Wars, by Kris Vallotton. Kris is a senior pastor at Bethel church.
I will be sharing some of Kris’s insights as well as my own study and experiences throughout this series. You can find a link to the book in the sidebar and at the end of this post.
So let’s get started.
What I think I need to share with you first is that the subject matter of the invisible spiritual realm is difficult to tackle. It’s difficult because so many Christians don’t really believe it exists. I know I’ve mentioned some supernatural incidents to church leadership at my home church and I received, in a very polite way, the proverbial eye-roll. So, it makes it all the more difficult to write about and to help people. When people have an unexplainable/supernatural experience they often go to their church leadership who will send them to a psychiatrist because they just don’t believe what the Bible tells them.
So I ask you to travel this path with me with your Bible WIDE OPEN. We will study encounter after encounter where Jesus deals with the realm of the supernatural. Why would we expect anything different in a believer’s life than what Jesus has modeled for us? So, step with me into understanding, read your Bible for yourself, read commentary of trusted writers on the subject. Because when we finally start believing ALL the Bible teaches us in this area, THAT is when we start to see things change in our lives. THAT is when we will gain the victories, healing and wholeness. THAT is when we will finally arrive at peace, joy and thriving. And then we can begin to help our children, our spouse and others.
The natural world and the supernatural overlap. And that is where it can get weird.
Today, I want to share two scriptures. Isaiah 61:1
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,
because the Lord
has anointed me
to preach good
news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim
freedom for the captives
and release from
darkness for the prisoners.
This passage says so much more when we really think about it. We are called as believers to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from the darkness the prisoners. But, how do we know who is a captive and who is a prisoner??? Ahhhhh, now that is a fantastic question. And there is a difference between the two.
My friends, I’ve probably lost all of you since this post has gone on way too long. On Friday, we are going to discover the difference between a captive and a prisoner and let me tell you this, Christians can be one of them. We are going to explore with courage these questions, reveal truth and decimate the lies of the enemy.
Today, all this week, if you don’t do anything else, memorize the scripture below. It is imperative that we have this truth firmly in our hearts and minds.
Romans 8:37-39
In all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
This is our truth. This is our power and we must know this in our bones.
Okay, I’m curious, what do you want to know about spiritual warfare? Ask your questions in the comments and let do some real work for the Kingdom.
Real love is a secret weapon that our enemy has no answer for. When we roll it out on the battlefield, Satan falls like lightning. ~Kris Vallotton
I love you my friends. I really love you. Lynn
I've written about spiritual warfare before. Read my story about my husband here. Spiritual Warfare and My Unbelieving Husband