He Breathed On Me, Part III
A Miracle ~ One Person At A Time

Weekend Worship — Out They Go!

My friends, our wristbands just arrived at my door Friday afternoon and with the help of my daughter and her boyfriend, they are packed and read to go! We wound up with almost 100 addresses—the latest country added was India! That makes 9 different countries now. Wow!

IMG_1869So, be on the look out for your envelope to arrive. I apologize for having to tape the bands to the back of the certificates, but that was the only way to keep from paying a package rate for each one. The difference would have been over a dollar and for almost 100—a bit costly indeed. 

I'm so excited to get these out to you! Let me know when you get them. And how cool would it be to see a "stranger" wearing one of these and finding out you are sisters in Christ?! That's a story I'd love to hear.

I am so blessed to share and walk this journey with you, my friends. I love and treasure each and every one of you!


And now our worship song for the weekend:

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