Astonish Us, Lord!
Weekend Worship — Psalm 149

Enter To Win and Flourish

Hi Everyone, 

I have found a new and dear friend in the editor of Flourish Magazine. Myra is an amazing woman of God who is filled with a passion to help women flourish in the love of Jesus Christ. Most of you know that Dineen and I are regular contributors to the bi-monthly magazine. This month’s issue is all about fear and I wrote an article that is just for all of us who are spiritually mismatched.

I sure hope you have a chance to get a copy. And in fact, Myra has offered to give me 10 free copies to give away. So here is how you can enter to receive a copy from me along with a note and a prayer. In the January/February issue I will be writing about sex. Now, I’ve written on this topic before and even share a tiny bit about the bedroom in our book. I have very strong feelings about being open and honest about sex because it seems to me Christian women especially are so very confused and guilt ridden about this entire matter. And to make things worse the “church” is not addressing this topic nearly enough. 

So, here is where you come in. I would really like my article in the magazine to address something YOU would love to read about. And it must pertain to being spiritually mismatched. Don’t be shy because this could be a real opportunity to truly help many couples. I know a common issue for the spiritually mismatched is this: After you marry and come to Christ or recommit to your faith, things you once did in the bedroom now make you feel uncomfortable and you don’t want to do them anymore. However, your husband is ticked off because you used to be “game” and now after this Jesus guy moved in, you are no fun? 


How about this? Have you ever wondered what is “allowed” and what is not? Okay, some of my thoughts. Don’t be shy. If you leave a comment, you are entered into the drawing to receive one of the ten copies of the magazine. Thanks my friends. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Lynn 

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