Shades of Grey and a Hound from Hell
It's a Dog Gone World

What Should I Do?

1009935_question_con_3Or not do? That’s the flip side of this question. But I’m betting you’re wondering why I’m asking that question. Care to take a walk with me?

The longer we walk with God the more aware we become of the unseen. We no longer accept what’s on the surface out of an understanding that there is more going on than what’s visible or from a place of dissatisfaction because what that surface level has to offer just isn’t enough.

We’re changed by Jesus to want more of God and to be more like Jesus. That is the eternity that God sets in our hearts and is spoken about in Ecclesiastes 3:11.

This eternity is set in all of us. We may run from it but God uses it to bring us to a place of discontent and dissatisfaction so strong at times that we finally see there is nothing big or good enough to fill that place except God.

That’s is how God worked in my life to bring me to Him and now I’m seeing it in my husband. And not so much as seeing but sensing something is unsettled and not right in my husband’s life. He may not sense it but I do.

And that brings me back to the question I’m asking God: What should I do? I want to help my guy, but I also do not want to get in God’s way. I know many of the “he says, she says” books say that men are fixers, but you know what, as wives and mothers, we do the same stuff. We want to get in there and fix things so that our loved ones don’t have to struggle. We even pray for God to “fix it” at times. A lot of times, I dare say.

Thus the flip side of this “what should I do?” question, which is looming right behind it: What should I not do?

Forgive me if I’m dancing you in circles but this is my brain of late. I’m trying to make sense of whatever is going on and figure out what I’m supposed to do, or not do. Pray, yes, I know that’s part of it all, but discerning where my place is in the situation is just as important, I believe.

I want to bring happiness, contentment and peace into my husband’s life. But not at the expense of what God may be doing to secure his eternal lifeline.

This is part of our walk in a mismatched marriage. We need to see conflict and challenges in terms of what God is trying to accomplish in our unbeliever’s life. It’s not an easy place to be especially if our own lives are greatly affected, which I dare say again, they WILL be.

It can be a scary place to be at times. Trust me, I know. I’m living it live and real at the moment. But God is asking me to put that fear in His hands and place my need for security with Him. He’s also asking me to come along side my husband and ask, “what can I do to help you?”

Literally. I’ve placed that question before my husband. I don't think he quite understands why I’m concerned, but my goal is to simply keep the question before him as well as in my heart.

Then, prayerfully, entrust the rest to God.

Praying and believing,

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