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Weekend Devo — Overcoming Our Thoughts is Like Brewing Tea

The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace. — Romans 8:6

I used to be a horrible worrier. I used to be (and still am at times) fearful. I used to be very pessimistic.

As I look back over the years of my faith journey I see a distinct pattern of change in my thinking process. I think this is the greatest challenge of living our faith. The old thoughts and ways have to change in order to be in alignment with God.

Thankfully, this isn't something God expects us to do on our own. On the contrary, Romans 8:6 tells us that the Holy Spirit is responsible for this work. We are simply asked to be willing and aware, thoughtful and intentional.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. — 2 Corinthians 10:5

The biggest lesson I learned was that I am not a victim of my thought process. Second Timothy 1:7 says that we are given not a spirit of fear, but one of power, love and a sound mind. God’s Word tells us this. It’s up to us to believe and pursue it.

The best way I know to change those destructive thought patterns is to give this area of our lives over to God and allow the Holy Spirit to change us. To do that we need to read, study and memorize God’s Word. Think of it like making a cup of tea. We are the cup and the tealeaves are God’s Word. The Holy Spirit is the steaming water that mixes with the tea to make this rich brew. The tea takes time to reach it’s best taste too—it’s a process.

Ultimately, what are we working for? How about joy? How about peace? How about growing trust in God in all areas of our lives?

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. — Isaiah 26:3

Think about those areas of your thought life that continually trip you up. Worry? Fear? Anger? Are you willing to shed those thought patterns?

Then pray this prayer this wonderful prayer for Jesus Lives by Sarah Young with me:

"Holy Spirit, think through me, live through me, love through me."

Pray this often, read your Bible and take notice of the freedom you start to experience in your life. Get ready to know joy!

Praying and believing,

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