Thankful Thursday - My Good Bye
Replenish Your Soul

Out-Love Your Spouse - The Final Chapter?

We are ending the last week of our “Out-Love” our spouse challenge. This is only the starting place. Our challenge is the beginning of a new way of life. An intentional effort to love our spouse with the love of Christ. 

I will never forget what Shelly shared with me months ago. It has forever changed my heart and how I love on my spouse. 

This is a never look back journey. Start down this road and commit to love your spouse and to love Jesus more than you love yourself.

Things can change and amazingly just as we end this focused time together, look what arrived in the mail as my husband was on a business trip. 

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Two cards arrived. Randomly. For no reason at all.

One for me and astonishingly one for my teen daughter.

Who says a man can't change.

The timing of this is impeccable and I believe orchestrated by God just to say to me, "Lynn, see you do what I ask and I will move everything along just as it should be."

We serve an all-powerful God. One who listens to the prayers of His people. A God who loves us and wants the best for us. Our God wants us to out-love our spouse just the way He out-loves us.

So put your old way of thinking away. Continue on this journey and watch what our God can do in the lives of ordinary men and women.

BIG hugs, Lynn

PS. I will be speaking LIVE about this very journey ONLINE, November 3rd at 10 a.m. PT and 1 p.m. ET with an open Q&A following at Noon PT, 3 pm. ET. To learn more and to participate in this fantastic marriage conference from the comfort of your own home, Visit Replenish Your Soul Conference.

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Still amazed.    

How has Out-loving Your spouse challenged you, made a difference in your marriage, changed you, changed your spouse. Talk to me in the comments. Lynn

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