Weekend Devo — Precious Moments
Who Do You Trust?

A Community

The following was posted by my good friend, Dee, on our 1 Peter 3 Living group. I was moved by her invitation and want to extend it to all of you in this amazing community of believers who are waiting for the salvation of our spouse. 

John-3-16 So here is Dee:

John 3:16 is the most well known verse in the Word of God. It is the classic statement of God's salvation through Jesus Christ. This verse describes God's plan of salvation in simple but powerful words. This verse of Scripture also provides you with a prayer model to use in praying for the lost. It offers you vital truths that you can use to plead with God for the lost.

With the above in mind and considering the Easter season that we're in, I thought that John 3:16 would be an excellent verse for us to use to plead/pray/fast for the our spouses on the remaining Tuesdays of this month. (We fast and pray every Tuesday at 1P3)

This is a special time of the year - Jesus died for my husband - He died for your husband.  My husband doesn't believe this and I want that to change - the sooner the better!

So, would you consider making this your prayer and fasting focus on Tuesday for your spouses and the others in our group?

Who's in? 

Thank You Jesus - for what You did for all of us on that cross!  I pray that our men/women would not perish for not believing this powerful truth.  Lord, I cannot  even stand the thought of that -  No Lord, have mercy, show them the way, the truth and the life!

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his  only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  John 3:16

I love our community of believers who are living to love Jesus and loving their spouse. I especially love all of you who are loving in extraordinarily trying marriages. If you are seeking a change in your life, join us for prayer and fasting this Tuesday. Start with a day -time fast. 

God honors a humble heart and LOVES to answer prayers for salvation. I will be also praying Romans 10:10 for my husband. What will you be praying. Have a great week. Hugs, Lynn

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