Weekend Devo — We Rocked the House
Not Disappointed

In-Laws and Prayers

It’s a busy season around the Donovan house so I’m a bit behind in posting this morning.

This past weekend I went to visit my son who lives in Las Vegas. On Saturday night, I met my son’s girlfriend’s parents. They are very nice people and I adore his girlfriend. They have been dating for five years. So, I suspect this girl may be the one. But what really was cool for me was this.

I have been praying about and for these people who I finally met on Saturday for years. I have asked God to give my son a wife who is someone he would love and cherish but also someone I would love to have as a daughter. On top of that, I have been praying for my son’s future in-laws. So, it was cool to finally meet these people.

Years ago as I prayed for these people, of course I didn’t know at the time, I always wondered who they would be. What they would be like. That we could have an easy relationship with and mostly that my son would feel comfortable with them. Dinner with them was delightful and we enjoyed their company. They are happily married and raised a wonderful daughter.

Now, I realize that my son has yet to pop the question, but it was still a neat moment to think these are the people for whom I have prayed over for years.

This weekend also brought about opportunities to talk to my son about marriage and expectations. What a neat time we had together.

So, all of you who are moms of young children, let me encourage you. Pray every day for your children by name. Ask God to protect them from evil people and evil spirits. Pray for their future spouse and the in-laws. These are some of the best prayers you will ever speak.

Hugs, Lynn

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