Weekend Devo — This, that, and a Video!
The Burden of Guilt

Marriage Monday... Public School?

And God blessed them. And God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth." (Gen 1:28 ESV)

It’s Marriage Monday and the topic this month is about children. In fact, there are several topics to choose from but one specifically pulled at my heart because in a spiritually mismatched marriage this subject creates enormous conflict and anxiety in a marriage. 

So I picked No. 2: Public, Private, or Homeschool? Why our Decision Works for Us 


Even the mention of education between parents of children who have different worldviews makes the blood pressure rise. What I will share with you is my story. What we chose may not be the best for your family but for us, this is what God called me to embrace and it has turned out to be an amazing adventure. 

In our book, Winning Him Without Words, I share a great deal about our story of our daughter’s education and the struggles we endured to find common ground. I’m saving most of that story for those of you who wait to read our book. There is so much in the book I haven’t shared here. You are going to love the stories I have yet to tell you and almost all of our book is fresh and new. 

Anyhoo, Let me share with you that my husband and I experienced a colossal difference of opinion in our choice of education. It was a heart wrenching experience for me and likely my husband felt great emotion over this time in our life as well. 

The result of that conflict was my absolute trust in God. 

My daughter has been enrolled in public education since kindergarten. You might guess I was more than concerned about what may happen to her. 

BUT, Today my daughter is 15, a sophomore in High School. Today she loves Jesus. She attends church with me. She and I talk often about how Jesus is working in her life. I find this amazing in itself because her dad doesn’t believe and can often send her conflicting messages. 

Although my kid is not perfect, it seems God has plugged her into a group of friends in school who are in desperate need healing. She is light. She stands for truth in the face of ridicule and is likely the only voice for the truth of the Bible in her circle of friends in a California High School. (Just take a guess what they face every day in public school) 

When I was her age, I didn’t have her courage or conviction. I am not bragging because if you lived with us you would see our failings and ordinariness. 

Weekly, this kid comes home with stories of the things her friends are facing and we talk. We talk about how Jesus makes a difference in a young person's self-confidence, perspective and mostly hope. Some of these kids in high school have already lost hope. 

What amazes me the most is her heart. She truly cares about her friends and their pain. She tries to help and mostly she loves them. 

Again she and I are far from perfect but we love Jesus. And that is the most compelling, attractive and intriguing thing that people notice about us. That is what her friends notice. It may be a slight but she is known as the “Little Christian Girl.” She doesn’t seem to mind that kids know where she stands. 

Amazing. I wish more adults were like that. 

Just love Jesus. Teach your kids to just love Jesus. Then pray like crazy every day for your kids by name. After all, if you aren’t praying for your kids, who is? 

Okay, that’s part of our story. If you have kids in public school, don’t, under any circumstance, underestimate the power of Jesus working through your children. I am convinced my daughter attends public school because she is the only Jesus some of her friends will ever see. 

Be blessed, Lynn

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