This is Why I Am Married to an Unbeliever
July 20, 2010
This past weekend, my husband, our daughter and I flew to Sacramento to spend several days with my husband’s mom and dad. Also joining us at the house was my spouse’s brother, his girlfriend and my husband’s cousin, his wife and twin daughters and their grandma, who is my husband’s mother’s sister.
Are you confused yet?
Double hunh?
I guess it isn’t important I name all of the players, yet it is.
You see, I have been praying for the salvation of many of these people for more than 18 years. All of my husband’s family is unsaved but for their cousin and his wife. My husband’s cousin came to Christ when he was in High School. All these years I have been burdened not only for my husband’s salvation but for all of his family.
Now here is where the story gets interesting and glorifies our Lord.
You see my husband’s mother is in the stage of Alzheimer’s where she is cognizant on some days and other’s she isn’t. I have grieved, deeply that she and my husband’s father remain unsaved and time is growing short. I spoke with them years ago about my faith but they politely told them it just wasn’t for them.
Several weeks leading up to our visit I began to pray over our time together. I asked for angels to be sent ahead of me to prepare and protect no matter what situation we may find ourselves facing. The day prior to leaving however, I prayed differently, something like this.
Oh Lord, if there is a way to reach any of them with the truth of who Jesus Christ is and bring them to faith, then Lord please set about making the moment happen…….
Why is it I am always astounded when the Lord answer’s my prayers?
I sat in the dining room on Friday afternoon after a fun day at the Jelly Belly Candy Factory. I was visiting with my husband’s cousin’s wife and mother. Now I don’t know what happened but I think the conversation turned to the book Dineen and I wrote and how it was a book about faith. Well, this conversation with my cousin’s mother, age 69, began moving fast and she began telling me about her experiences or actually lack thereof, with faith throughout her life.
One thing led to the next and I found myself looking into her eyes and I said, “Jane, do you know who Jesus is?
“Yes, He’s the son of God.”
“Did you know that believing in Him is the way to heaven?”
“Have you ever prayed and asked Him into your heart?”
“Well do you want to do that right now?”
“Yes, I do.”
I reached for Jane’s hands and I said, “Then just pray with me and repeat what I pray.” I then stumbled through the prayer of salvation. I have always wanted to do this but have never had the chance…… until now.
We prayed together and said together, “Amen.”
She looked up with tears in her eyes and said, “Thank you.”
I hugged her and her daughter-in-law who is also a Christian, sat at the table with us and watched her husband’s mother come to Christ in that very moment.
Thank you Lord, Jesus!
I plan to mail Jane a Bible and pray for her.
The dynamics leading up to this day are complex and traverse decades but on the plane ride home on Sunday, it was as if the Lord whispered in my ear. “Do you now see why I placed you into this unbelieving family?”
I whispered back with tears flooding my eyes, “Oh Lord, I am undone. That you would use a broken and messed up blonde like me in the service of Your Kingdom just blows my mind and brings me utterly humble to your feet to give you worship and all honor and praise.”
So today if you are living with an unbeliever I say to you, “Stay the course.” There are eternities at stake and not just those of your spouse.
Now, this is NOT the end of the story. Oh, NO. Our Lord is just too BIG to stop here. So, tune in on Friday for HIS-story continues and His light continues to penetrate the darkness.
I love you Jesus. I love you with all of my heart, mind, soul and strength. Lynn