Friendship with a Jealous God
Pray for the Healing of our Lands and Waters

Weekend Devo — Memorial Day: Remember the Spouses Who Hold Down the Fort

MilitaryCouple Whether you agree with why our troops are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as other parts of the world, let’s take a moment and pray for these brave men and women serving our country in often brutal conditions. They are answering the call and being obedient, even if they don’t completely understand why. They are an example of obedience even when it’s difficult.

Let’s also remember the ones at home, keeping the family together, taking care of children and parents while their spouse is in dangerous areas. They not only have the stress and worry of their loved one’s safety on their hearts, but the often overwhelming responsibility of taking care of what normally two people would do. They work hard to make the home a peaceful place so as not to add additional worry to their beloved soldiers and to give these men and women in service the reassurance that they will have something precious to come home to. That despite the distance and trials, they are still loved and missed.

According to an article on, thirty percent of U.S. troops returning from the Iraq war have developed stress-related mental health problems three to four months after coming home.

Marriage is difficult enough without extenuating circumstances. Adding in time of war along with being spiritually mismatched add even more stress and trial to the marriage. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is being diagnosed more and more, thankfully, but these soldiers and families need our prayers.

Do you know someone whose husband or wife is oversees, serving in dangerous areas? If so, reach out and thank them this weekend for serving their country, too. Offer to pray for them and their marriage, support them, and if you can, ask how you can help them as they wait for their loved one to return home safely.

These brave men and women deserve our respect, our thanks, and our prayers.
Praying and believing,

*Special thanks to author Ronie Kendig for her list of resources on her Discarded Heroes website.

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