More Praises
The Power in God's Word

Farwell, Goodby and Marriage Monday

I feel slightly melancholy as I wave farewell to our Mind of Christ Experiment. Wow, we spent only 30 days focused fully on Christ. Lives were changed. I have to echo what Dineen said on Friday, “If this is what God can do in us when we give him complete control for 30 days, imagine what our entire lives can be when we give him every day!”


I know this journey is only the beginning. Please write me as the Lord moves you along in your journey. I want to share in the victories and give all honor and praise to Jesus. I want to thank Dineen Miller, my writing partner and our guest contributor, Angela Smith. I told them both about this experiment way back in August. They were enthusiastic about what the Lord was planning. The Lord placed inspired words in their hearts.

Thank you Dineen!

Thank you Angela!

So where do we go from here. I have so much to share. I need to tell you the Lord is moving in our house. I want to share with you some of the details but the Lord has asked me to wait until all of His plan comes to a pinnacle. So, I wait. I pray. I trust and I get to watch from my front row seat the miracle of the Almighty in my tiny, tiny life. I am undone by His grace and favor.

I ask you to wait with me and pray too. I promise the ending will blow your mind. Always does mine. Okay?

Until the Lord releases me to share and bring Him glory, I have a ton of things I am dying to tell you about. I have many new BFF’s I connected with at the Blogger’s Retreat. On Friday I will introduce you to one of them. Now get ready because we are going to really learn what it is like to see God’s word – living and active. If you have ever wondered about that scripture and what it truly means as well as the power behind it, then get on board because it’s gonna’ ROCK YOUR WORLD. By the way, it’s gonna’ rock satan’s world and he is terrified. That’s Friday.

Today I am feeling compelled however to join in with e-Mom at Chrysalis and everyone there as our Marriage Monday topic is; A Love Letter to My Husband. Here is mine.

Love note to my husband

Read more love notes or write your own over at Chrysalis and Marriage Monday.


1st Monday Every Month at Chrysalis

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