Thankful Thursday - Entitlements or Riches
Weekend Devo — From Fear to Courage

Romans 12:1-2 What Does it Mean?

Do you remember the first day we started this journey? October 2nd and I wrote: In about three weeks, you will grow tired of this journey. So I am giving you a heads up now to watch for your discontent. Satan absolutely will do everything possible to keep you firmly seated in power. Have none of it.

Today I am reminding you not to allow the enemy to steal away your efforts as we head into week three. In the first two weeks I have received emails and comments from many you. You shared how you have overcome major road blocks and struggles you have contended with for years.


I want to encourage those of you who aren’t seeing progress as of yet. I want to spur you on because God has promised us something new. We need only to place Him on the throne of our lives.

Romans 12:1-2 NIV Living Sacrifices 1Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. 2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

How many different times in your life have you read or heard a message about this tiny little passage? Many times I suspect. In fact, for many of us, scripture becomes so familiar we lose the power behind the truth.

Our entire journey thus far is based upon this passage. But let’s take a fresh look. What does it mean? A living sacrifice. What does this look like in 2009?

It is a mindset that comes over time. It is a daily sacrifice of doing the right thing over and over. It begins with that simple prayer as you fall from your bed to your knees. It is offering God your entire body, mind, heart and placing Him firmly as commander of your life. It is the highest form of worship you can give. Your entire self – every moment.

As you begin to fill your mind with things of God, your brain begins to reprogram. Fill up on God’s word. Music, teaching, and think about good things and leave the dwelling on the negative behind. What happens? You discover you are walking smack in the middle of God’s will.

How many of us have made decisions which brought us pain? I know I am in that boat. We charge ahead and then find ourselves broken and lost. In our pain we fall before God, seeking His rescue. And He rescues.

Our kind and loving Lord would truly prefer that we seek His will before we make a decision which will cause pain. Why is it so difficult to understand the Lord’s will? Why doesn’t He call us on the phone and say, “Lynn, tomorrow I want you to meet with so and so. Then get off on Highway 78 because I have a wonderful surprise waiting.”

In fact, I believe in certain circumstances we can hear instructions just like this. But, how do we move our mind and relationship to this place? How can we make a great decision that is in God’s will and won’t bring pain? It starts with walking with God before you need wisdom.

Again a daily sacrifice. Taking time to read His word and to study His precepts. Log time in listening prayer. It is often in the silence, in the middle of the night, that I hear words from God.

It takes waiting. I am a control freak like the rest of you. I am constantly wanting to push God’s agenda forward. Okay perhaps my agenda forward. When I wait for His timing, however, I have been privileged to witness and be part of some of the most astounding works of God in the lives of those around me and in my own life. When I wait my decision comes easier and without reservations. God does amazing things in the waiting. Wait on God and receive this promise:

Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Did you really read this? Do you want this promise? He is standing waiting to do a new thing in your life.

So many of you have written to me to tell my about the life-changing things have already happened. Trust God in this. The best thing YOU WILL EVER DO is to transform you. It is a process that when finished will be the new you forever and others will absolutely notice. When you are in love with Jesus from your head to your toes, inside and out, it is irresistible. You will be shocked how it draws others.  Womjump

I can’t wait to talk about the promise of Psalm 37:4. I have much to tell you about how fantastic our God is. How His plan and purpose for our lives pales when compared with even our wildest dreams.

This week to prepare to receive this promise, it is time to ask God. Am I transforming my life to become Christ minded? Is my heart and life in line with your will? Write these questions out and offer them to the Lord.

Be blessed, Lynn

PS. If you have fallen behind in our journey or actually never got started, The Lord has prompted me to ask you again. He called you and has big plans ahead. Start today. Just yesterday, my friend Patricia wrote and told me she was away from her computer but was starting the journey. You can too. It’s not too late and travel at your own speed. Jesus is desperate to show you the bliss that waits when you live in His presence. Write me if you need instructions on how to begin.

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