Weekend Devo — Grace
You're Outahere!

30 Days - The Mind of Christ

Over two months ago the Lord woke me up in the middle of the night. He gave me another idea to share with you. If you have been reading here at Spiritually Unequal Marriage for a while, you might remember the Kingdom Assignment. It was an amazing experiment in which many of us participated in last November. What a humbling and triumphant experience it was. God has the best ideas! (to read some of the posts, click on the Kingdom Assignment in the sidebar.)

Cross blue sky

This new idea that God gave me is similar except this time, the Lord wants to do something for you.

Today we are going to prepare and step out into another experiment. The Lord said it is a perfect time to prepare us for a major shift in our soul and lead us into the most amazing season of our lives.

Just like last year, I want to mail you something important to start our 30 days together. We will walk a new path together each day in October. Beginning Thursday October, 1, 2009 every post here at Spiritually Unequal Marriage will be centered on this specific journey.

So, today, pray and ask the Lord if you are in… It won’t take a ton of time. But, it will change you. It will transform your mind to be more Christ like and will change your heart into the likeness of God. If you want to be part of this challenge, Please email me privately your mailing address. I won’t share it with anyone. I only plan to mail you a single envelope just like last year.

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

 Find out what this verse really means. By the end of next month you will gain new perspective.

Do you need a miracle:

  • in your marriage
  • with your teenager
  • your boss
  • in the overwhelming schedule you keep
  • with the pain of a lost relationship
  • bearing the hurt of betrayal
  • because you have lost a loved one

All of these things will fall into proper perspective and their proper place. You will see the Lord first then the struggle.... well it will just.....( tune in and find out) 

Isaiah 43:19a

For I am about to do something new.

See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?


I can’t wait.

Say YES to Jesus and then watch as Christ does something new before your very eyes.

Be blessed, Lynn

Please email me

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