My Life with a Non-believer by Leslie Miller
March 17, 2009
Yesterday when I asked my daughter what I should write about this week, she offered to write it for me. So, without further ado, my precious (15 and still recovering) daughter Leslie...
Growing up with a mother who is Christian and a father who is an atheist isn't always easy. I always look at him and think in my mind, "How can he not be Christian?" He's always kind to others and handles things with grace. He barely ever looses his temper.
It was and still is hard for me to understand why he isn't a believer. My mother handles this with such grace, it amazes me. She has told me before that it's not always easy, but she will not stop trying because she loves him.
I never really talk to my dad about it. I don't like to make him uncomfortable. I do show him that I am a believer and have faith. One way I show him this is if I'm having a hard time, and he says everything will be fine, I answer back, "I know it will be fine, because God has my back and won't let anything happen to me." Whenever i say something like that he just smiles or says, "Ok." I look at him and in my mind, I'm screaming, "How can he not believe? How can he turn his back to God?"
I look at my mother and it always goes through my mind that she must be so strong to be able to handle this and to always have faith. My mother is my role model when it comes to having faith. My father is my role model when it comes to handling situations. I pray every night that God will turn my father to him.
I admit there are times when I feel like God's not listening or refuses to help me. I know this all a lie and that he will always help me. But when I see my father, I get mad in my heart that God hasn't done anything yet. I love my dad so much, I cant bare to see him pass away without knowing Christ.
I just need to stand strong along side my mother and help support her through hard times when it comes to my father. I know one day he will turn his face to Christ and realize that he cannot live without him. When that day comes, I will turn my face to heaven and cry out, "Holy is the Lord and glory to His almighty power."
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That's my girl, one of God's precious gifts to me.
Praying and believing,