Showing Christ

Weekend Devotion

What's In Your Camp?

This scripture started it all:

Deuteronomy 23:14 For the LORD your God moves about in your camp to protect you and to deliver your enemies to you. Your camp must be holy, so that he will not see among you anything indecent and turn away from you.

If you remember I began this journey back in April and we have looked at what is indecent in our camp and can those indecent items –attitudes- be a cause for the Lord to turn away from us.

Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Idol story – Subtle Stealing
Part V
(Click to read previous posts)

A couple of posts back I told you we would explore something indecent which is prevalent today and has very easy access to our homes; pornography. I have been researching this subject and have asked the psychologist I work with here at Spiritually Unequal Marriage a few questions.

Interview with Rebecca Saville:

Lynn: I am thrilled to Welcome Rebecca to Spiritually Unequal Marriage again to continue our conversation about pornography.

Rebecca Saville has a Masters in Social Work and has been a counselor for 14 years. She is a deeply committed Christian and a mother of three. She has been married to a Navy Chaplain for 18 years. Interview with Rebecca Saville:

Part III

Lynn: Is it possible to become free from pornography?

Rebecca: A third person must be involved to help recover the marriage by uncovering the reasons for his sexual immorality. There must be a Covenant to work together on this problem that is pulling you apart. The wife must work through forgiveness and express appropriate sexuality. There are computer guards that protect against the internet invading your home like Net Nanny.

There are marriage courses like “I Promise” which are effective in guiding through a restoration process. There are books and online resources. There is no acceptable level of porn. Just like an alcoholic cannot drink just one. After one drink he immediately reverts to the level of need before he stopped drinking. In the same way engaging in pornography is progressive; the appetite becomes insatiable.

Imagine a hula-hoop around you; inside your hoop you are responsible for your own thoughts, feelings, actions, and decisions. Your husband has his own hoop where he is responsible for his thoughts, feelings, actions, and decisions. Impurity is a habit that he chooses, not a sickness, not an imbalance. Therefore, if your man knows your deep desire for him to be free of sexual sin, then you need to allow him to work on the change. You will not be able to coerce, bribe, or seduce him into changing; that’s his decision. You may provide an incentive.

For some of you, the problem is so bad that you may choose to leave until he is working seriously on his addiction. He may not make the choice you want him to, but you can’t be responsible for his actions . . . only for your own. There is hope. There’s lots of help through counseling, support groups, churches. He’s got to do battle which requires sacrifice, intensity, and honor. Men climb out of the precipice and find victory.

I have found online resources to help you learn more and how to cope if you are living with this issue in marriage. Check out:

Lord, God, on our knees we ask you to stir, in the hearts of our men, a mighty character. Lord, give them strength when temptation arises. Stir within them a desire to be men of honor. In Jesus name, Amen.

Be Blessed, Lynn

Next Friday we will start a new topic. As I type these words and am open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. I can't wait to see where the Lord leads us. Hugs!!!

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