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God purposely designed me to need Him uniquely - My Story Part II

Unequal Marriage - My Story

My Best Friend on Earth

Doesn’t know my Best Friend in Heaven

You can thrive in a Spiritually Mismatched Marriage


Lynn Donovan

© March 2006

The signature tune begins. The words, Nightly News, appear on the TV screen. I tense and mentally prepare for battle. I see my adversary across the room as he looks suspiciously back at me, his eyebrow raised in a slight warning. I watch as he leans toward the screen. The lead story flashes a smiling picture of President Bush, of course a flash point between us because of his proclaimed Christian faith. I cringe, World War III threatens to explode upon our carefully crafted peace. Artillery is readied and sure enough, I open my big mouth and boarders are crossed. A counter strike is inevitable.

Politics, religion and science are the usual issues that can launch the war of words around our house. My husband and I differ in view points frequently because I view the Nightly News through the lens of the Bible. My husband does not share my faith so he does not understand my perspective. We are Spiritually mismatched.

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