Did you read the summaries in the comments of the previous post? Link here. They are SO GOOD!
Question: Why is this particular study important to an Unequally Yoked marriage?
Answer: Jesus said in John 13:34-35: 34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
This commandment really is a summation of all that Jesus taught and modeled. But before we look at the end of Chapter 13, we need to take a look at the Feet Washing.
Let me begin this next portion of our Bible Study be agreeing with your summation that Chapter 13 is about service. Indeed, this passage is about service, born of a heart of love. But there is something magnanimous going on here.
While studying in July, I’ll remind you, Father was teaching me about what holiness means to Him. Jesus had, still does, have me camped in John 13-17.
One morning while reading this passage, Jesus asked the question: John 13:12: Do you know what I have done to you?
This question is so interesting. It implies that there is something more here than the simple service of washing dirty feet. Hmmmmmm. But what is it. I prayed, Lord, what is it that you are doing here? What does this mean the washing of feet? What is it that you have done to these followers? What does this all mean?
John 13: 10: Jesus said to him, “He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean; and you are clean, but not all of you.”
I sat there stunned as revelation came to me.
Clean….. Jesus is actually speaking of making them clean….. CLEAN
Then I asked, Jesus, what is clean? Then I heard the prompting of the Holy Spirit, look it up. So, I whipped out my concordance. (I looked online). The exchange between the Lord and Peter is the key.
The Word, clean, from the Greek Lexicon: ethically:
- free from corrupt desire, from sin and guilt
- free from every admixture of what is false, sincere genuine
- blameless, innocent
- unstained with the guilt of anything
Then the Father said to me, Lynn, this is the moment when they were sanctified. Made holy. This is holiness. This is the love of the Father demonstrated through My son. Then He sealed this act with His life-giving blood the next day.
You see, Lynn. The disciples were made clean (sanctified and holy) because of my love (John 14: 7.. We will get there in the study).
Lynn, you and all who choose My Son, Jesus, are made clean. This means every time you fail. When you are frustrated with Mike after 32 years serving him, your service cleanses you and him all over again. When you have a thought that you failed because you were angry, frustrated, fearful, the blood cleanses you again and again.
The foot washing cleansed the disciples again, although they were already clean because of their belief and faith. But that night they were fearful. They were confused. Peter was frustrated with Jesus, yet they were cleansed over and over through the blood. The foot washing was the cleansing ceremony to which even the betrayer, Judas, was offered.
When you fail and have a meltdown because of your challenging life-circumstances, it’s the blood. You are clean. You are clean, sanctified, and made holy. That is why you are welcomed into my Court and into My Presence.
I wept. Recently, I’ve felt so much failure. I have thoughts, I am supposed to be a mature child of God, so WHY did I let those words come out of my mouth. Why did I hurt that person. Why didn’t I do this sooner. Why do I fail to trust God for absolutely everything?
The Lord knows and yet He cleanses. He says just keep trying. Stay the course and believe.
Sanctified, in our doubts.
Made holy, when afraid.
Cleansed when disappointed
Welcomed into His profound Presence.
This is holiness. And this is the answer to the question,” Do you know what I have done to you?” Jesus said to the disciples, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.”
We are the people of the “after this.” We are made holy again and again, when we are fearful, regretful, ashamed, and at our wits-end.
We are STILL welcome to sit on the Father’s lap and tell Him all about our life and ask for his divine help.
I’m undone!
What has the Lord cleansed that utterly changes you? How does the Lord's Presence recalibrate your life? Whose feet need washing? Yours? Your spouse? Your kid? Your co-worker? O Lord, teach us. What does foot washing look like today in 2024?
Share your thoughts in the comments. Your summaries. Your experience. Revelations of this passage. I can't wait to read your wisdom. I love you, Lynn