River of Grace!
February 04, 2025
Hello Sumites, Ian from hot and humid Sydney here.
I thought I’d tell you a story today.
have a frustrating relationship with my mother-in-law. Lyn is a lovely lady and in the almost 30 years we’ve been in each other’s lives, our relationship has been awkward and a little detached. It’s bothered me a great deal as this isn’t the norm in my relationships plus I had a wonderful connection with my mother. It causes me a lot of stress and anxiety and Fiona is impacted as well. Plus, I tend to beat myself up because I feel this relationship is a poor example for Fiona. "Why can’t I get over my pride and simply love Fi’s mum?"
A few months ago I was reminded of a quote on grace I’d read and heard many times over the years. It goes something like this:
“The true saints (read Christians) burn grace like a 747 burns fuel on take-off.” – Dallas Willard.
It’s a great quote. When I most recently heard it (twice in the same service) I spent time pondering it for a few days afterwards.
I think we all know intuitively that big planes burn through a lot of fuel to get off the ground. The environmental causes of recent years have only emphasised how much fuel aeroplanes burn through on every flight. Willard’s metaphor for describing a vibrant life with Jesus is compelling. We’re supposed to burn through grace and more grace.
Annual Visit
Soon after, Lyn and her husband were visiting for a couple of weeks. As we always do, Fi and I discussed how we (meaning me) would manage this visit. My response was to share Willard’s quote and to say that’s what we’d do: ask God for grace and more grace. Even every minute if we (meaning I) needed it.
Fiona understands the concept of grace. I think all humans understand the notion of ‘unmerited favour’. But for we lovers of Jesus, it really has an added meaning. I like how my Pastor defines grace: ‘it’s God helping us do what we can’t do in our own strength.”
The visit started with me asking God for grace often and repeatedly. My Pastor often encourages us to ask for grace for the next ten minutes. I was doing that a lot in the first few days. It was incredible how more relaxed and calm I found myself. And Fi noticed as well.
I sure was burning through grace that week.
What Happened?
When Fi drove her mum and husband to her brother’s place, her mum commented that she felt it was the “happiest she’d ever seen me.” When Fi shared that with me, I did a little dance! God is good.
The week reminded me that there is this unlimited supply of grace. It’s like an unending river that is never prone to drought or a power supply that never suffers from blackouts. We simply must dive into the river or plug into the socket or whatever analogy you might prefer to use.
How? By simply asking God for it. And not being too proud to keep on asking. Every ten minutes if need be. This is I believe what Willard meant when he wrote those words many years ago. He too had to learn the lesson himself, I guess.
Is there a relationship, habit, a something or other that you keep trying to ‘fix’ in your own strength? May I encourage you to try letting go and dive into the river where Jesus meets you with His endless supply of grace. And see what changes.
Go well, dear SUMites. God is so good and constantly thirsts after each one of us offering us more and more grace through His loving presence.
Big love,