Does your child insist a scary monster is hovering in the bedroom? Is your little one seeing things you can’t see? Are terrifying dreams a nightly occurrence? Perhaps your child has mentioned there are angels flying over your home or they see an angel sitting at the kitchen table? Does your child hear voices you don't hear?
There’s good news!
You and your child are NOT crazy!
My Child Sees Monsters answers your questions.
Discover the affirmation and support you need and acquire the Simple Steps that will help you and your child walk out of fear and send the monsters away. The Simple Steps are practical and proven concepts to help you understand the spiritual realm and discover how to successfully navigate your child’s unique spiritual gifts.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” MATTHEW 19:14
“A must have for parents with spiritually gifted children."
Sue Robson, Counselor/Life Coach
“This book to be incredibly encouraging and life-giving.”
Justin and Chelsea Kenton, Pastors, Living Stones Church
“This book a must read for parents whose children are gifted in the supernatural.”
Martha Bush, Author
Ann Marie Mora lives in southern California with her husband Josh and their three supernaturally gifted children. She is a sought-after voice by parents, clinicians, and pastors who are seeking guidance for spiritually gifted children. She loves spending time in the Lord’s presence while gardening, raising chickens, walking the dog, or hiking with her family. Her daily quest is the pursuit of God’s heart.
Lynn Donovan is the Executive Director of Three Keys Ministries, a healing/deliverance prayer ministry, publishing house, and spiritual growth training center. She is an award-winning author, speaker, pastor, and spiritual formation coach. Her passion is to lead believers into intimacy with God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit and into their full identity as a child of the Most High God.