Prayer Prompt for the Unsaved by SUMite, Beth

Last week on of our SUMites, Beth shared the following in the comments. It's really good. So, please copy and pray. Hugs, Lynn

Beth: Because praying for the lost is dear to me, my prayer partner and I formed this prayer sheet for our congregation to use during the last two Lenten can really be used anytime so I would like to share it with my SUM community. Let's keep praying for our loved ones until Jesus returns or He comes for us!

Lenten Prayer Focus
Seven Days – Seven Prayers
Praying the Scriptures assures us we are praying according to God’s will as we pray His Words back to Him. And His purposes are accomplished…
Commit to praying these verses daily during Lent for your loved ones to know and follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Sunday – God of salvation, may ____ declare with his/her mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in his/her heart that God raised him/her from the dead, saving him/her…for, everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. – adapted from Romans 10:9, 13

Monday – Sovereign Lord, would you open ____ eyes and turn him/her from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that he/she may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Jesus. – adapted from Acts 26:18

Tuesday – Reigning King of glory, may ____ know the truth, and the truth will set him/her free. – adapted from John 8:32

Wednesday – Living God, call ____ to repent and be baptized, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of his/her sins. And may he/she receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. – adapted from Acts 2:38

Thursday - God of light, would You remove the veil from ____’s eyes so that he/she can see the light of the gospel. Shine Your light in ___’s heart to give him/her the light of the knowledge of Your glory in the face of Christ. – adapted from 2 Corinthians 4:4,6

Friday - Almighty God, help ____ overcome his/her unbelief. – adapted from Mark 9:24

Saturday - Father, You so loved the world that You gave Your one and only Son, may ____believe in him and not perish but have eternal life. – adapted from John 3:16

Fall Bible Study- What Jesus Said on His Last Night on Earth

Fall Bible Study 2024
Hello Sum Nation,

Lynn here. I'm going to step in while Ann is off through September. 

Let me ask you a question. Jesus sat with His disciples the night before his death and taught his disciples. Don't you think if this was his last night with Him, he would have some profound thoughts to share? Shouldn't we take a thoughtful examination of His words? Do you believe they are important for us today?

For the last several months, Father has been teaching me about holiness. WHAT a lesson to learn during tremendous pressures. Jesus has been instructing me through the book of John, chapters 13-17. And the Holy Spirit has been instructing me to ask to manifest Him in my life. I wrote about this to our SUM ministry financial supporters in July.

As I've camped on the later part of the book of John, I have gained some insight. So I thought we would walk through these chapters together through September and perhaps beyond when Ann rejoins. 

These chapters in the book of John are the last words of instruction spoken to his followers before died and they are incredibly important-life and faith-instructions for us.

So, get out your Bible, your pen, markers and a journal. This is an in-depth study of the later chapters in John. Today, read chapter 13 from the NKJV. Click here.

In the comments, please share what you believe Jesus' main message is in this chapter. Then share what it means to you and how this message plays out in our lives.

I can't wait to hear what you have to share. And please share, even if someone else summarized before you in the comments. Add your voice. It's incredibly important for the angels to see your testimony.

I adore you. I'll be back with some interesting nuances on this chapter in the days ahead. Love you, Lynn

A Diamond in the Dark

Hello SUMites, Ann here. Excitement

So, something momentous happened this week on the SUM front, which I'm about to tell you. But unfortunately, it came out of a time of great difficulty. So, this post will be a mixed bag. I am going to share something hard, and something beautiful.

This will be a transparent post, in fact.

This past week my relationship with someone in my extended family fractured. It blew up, and it is quite possibly the end of the relationship. It is affecting the wider family, as things have come out that have been painful for everyone to process. 

As a result, I have been under enormous emotional stress. So, I'm going to take the rest of September off from writing to reset. I would greatly appreciate your prayers.

But, as I said, something else happened. And this is a shift for Bryce and me:

The second night after this happened, Bryce - in great distress -- prayed to God. He was unable to sleep, tossing and turning, and finally lay on his back staring up at the ceiling in the darkness. He said, specifically, "God, please help me to help her."

After praying that prayer, he then received a 'very strong feeling' -- right there in the dark -- that gave him a clear and specific strategy as to what I was to do next. 

In the morning, he told me about this prayer and the fact he felt he had received an answer. I bawled in his arms.

So there we have it, a momentous moment: My husband prayed, sought God, and not only that, he heard God's voice and knew he had heard it. If I wasn't in such a state, I'd be jumping up and down and eating cake in celebration!! I must remember to do this, in time.

Have you ever had a diamond come out of the darkness?

Much love, 


Keep Praying!

Photo courtesy of Arina Krasnikova and

Following on from Lynn’s post, I too felt led to write a similar post after reading something earlier in the week.

As a result of both Lynn and I being led to write similar posts, I’m sensing there’s some of us are feeling discouraged. We’re believing these posts will help shoo away ALL discouragement and fill each of us with renewed vigour to pray for our spouses, family members and other loved ones who may not yet know the Lord.

I’m not going to say much more but simply share this short testimony of one man’s intercession for friends of his. The man, George Mueller is known for building an orphanage in the 1800s on the back of daily prayer requests that resulted in sufficient moneys, food and other items being delivered to his home daily. It’s a wonderful story of one man’s faith and God’s faithfulness.

“More than a century ago George Mueller, that prince of intercessors, began to pray for five personal friends. After five years one of them came to Christ. In ten years two more were born again. Mueller prayed on for 25 years and the fourth man was saved. For the fifth, Mueller prayed until the time of his death, and this friend came also to Christ a few months afterward. For the latter friend, Mueller had prayed for almost 52 years.” – James McConkey1

I was greatly encouraged after reading this and felt a shot of renewed hope and belief for my beautiful partner and other family members. I hope you might too.

Keep praying. Keep believing.

Go well, dear SUMites.

Note: 1. Nick Harrison, Magnificent Prayer, 366 Devotions to Deepen your Prayer Experience (Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 2001), 328-329

Our Faith Impacts Our Spouse

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
 They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23


SUM Nation,

Lynn Donovan here. I have a quick story to share and some experiential wisdom to encourage all who are traveling the road of the Unequally Yoked behind me.

Mike and I have been married for nearly four decades. Yikes. Where does the time go?

I want to assure you that your prayers, your faith and persistence impacts your spouse and kids. And more importantly the faithful love of our God makes a difference in our lives and the salvation of our family.

Last week as I was sitting in the hospital room with Mike, the Hospital Spiritual Support person arrived in the room. I sat at the back of the room and listened to an interesting exchange.

Daniel, the spiritual support person came in an announced to Mike who he was and that he was there to offer prayer if Mike wanted prayer.

I watched and thought, I'm going to stay quiet and see what happens here.

Mike responded by replying what his condition was and then Mike said, "Yes, I would like prayer."

My goodness I was surprised. I wasn't sure what was about to happen, But Mike didn't hesitate. Daniel closed his eyes. So did Mike and Daniel prayed a general supporting prayer over Mike.

After all these years of persistent faith, Mike truly believes. His faith is so much different than mine. But my faith has rubbed off on him. And it's such a beautiful to witness.

What if I'd given up two decades ago? What if I became discouraged and stopped asking God to save him? 

SUMITES, don't give up. Don't stop your intercession asking for forgiveness and mercy for those in deception. Ask because our kind Father listens. His heart is moved by our petitions. 

And remember your spouse and kids are also His children. Keep praying. Stand in the battle as the fire rages hot and know that Jesus is right there with you.

I adore you. Blessings and hugs, Lynn

Donovan Clan Update

Hospital StanfordHi My Precious Family, SUM, Church without Walls,

Lynn, here. Since Ann is on a break, (bless her with healing and health Jesus), I will update you on our interesting journey.

Today, Mike is 14 days out from his transplant. His blood counts are very low, and he is tired.... a lot. But he remains positive and hasn't endured all the terrible possibilities that were outlined for us before we arrived. It's truly miraculous. The doctors are pleasantly surprised at his progress and lack of complications.

This is because YOU prayed. There are people as far away as the Philippines who are praying for some guy in a hospital in California. I'm blown away at the many prayers that have arrived and the encouragement that has come from my church here at SUM. I'm deeply thankful for even a few words you have whispered for me and Mike.


I'll admit, it has been rough for me personally, these past few weeks. I have really struggled but a few days ago, the Lord lifted me up and I'm doing better coping with all that must be managed and handled, and now remotely. It seems life, which is already challenging, becomes even harder (managing life remotely now). Last week my daily Bible started on the first chapter of Job. I've never really related to that story until this week.

However, the Lord has given me some promises. I prayed on the day Mike was admitted to the hospital back in April

He revealed the end from the beginning and I KNOW, that I know, in my knower..... IT WILL HAPPEN. So, I wait for October 6th. And this promise came with a sign that God said would happen on June 6th. AND indeed, it did happen. So, I'll wait and when I see how and what God is going to do, I'll share it with you.

I expect Mike to be released from the hospital next week. And then we hang out here in Palo Alto for two months. There is so much to be resolved, but I cling to the hem of His robe.

I also am so aware that a great number of you are walking through very difficult stuff. My heart aches for you. I have prayed for many of you. I feel the compassion of our good Father as He watches us tough it out. I'm convinced we are on the precipice of a great move in our world. God has those who love him and are sold out for His Kingdom, in His strong and loving hands.

So, for now we pray for one another. I would love to pray for you. I actually need new prayer focus. So, please leave me your prayer requests in the comments. 

I adore you, my SUM family. STAND UP STRAIGHT. We have the TRUTH. Don't waver in what is real and powerful. 

BELEIVE! PERSEVER! PRAY! Then we shall see the miracles. I know I'm in for a ton in a few months. So are you.

Blessings and Hugs, Lynn

Our Life Storyline

My friends, Ann here. Life storyline

Ok, so I've got this funny quirk. I do believe it's a quirk God gave me, but sometimes I think God gives us some crazy quirks. Do you have one, I wonder?

Anyway... Mine's this:

I take especially careful note of the things that happen in my days, and I record my life.

I've got this living document on which I have tracked all the key spiritual things that have happened to me since my birth in 1975! Yep, it is a little long. And by 'living document', I mean I am continually updating it.

On the document, I have written a summary of the things God said to me on certain dates, things I asked God, world events, and other notable events in my life. If I have a dream or vision, I record it. I have tried to keep it as precise as possible, so that it reads as a nice summary. And every morning, I read through a part of that document (i.e., a part of my life) and ask God about certain things that happened.

COVID was on there too, and what an interesting time that was to look back on. Yep, the years 2019 - 2022 make for interesting reading.

What were you doing there, Lord?

Why did I meet that person?

Wow, that was you, Lord! I asked you a question, and I can see now that you answered it for me over the subsequent days.

Hindsight is a helpful thing. Sometimes, in the past, I can see that I did hear God's voice, but I was too quick to interpret it. The correct interpretation was far different to what I thought. Indeed, often we just don't know what God is saying until we can look back in hindsight, or until he has revealed more. Sometimes it will take years or decades to understand what God was doing.

Other times I have noticed I was right about something. Those situations give me a quiet confidence in the Holy Spirit.

Another thing I can clearly see is that God has opened seasons for me and closed them. Once, for example, I moved into volunteering my work hours to a small church I was attending; but a year later I strongly felt God wanted me to move out of it. As I look at that situation, I can see that God did move me in and out. It was just a crazily short season that had its purpose. 

My friends, our life storyline with God becomes our war chest. It gives us confidence in him and makes us understand our identity in his eyes. All of this, in fact, makes me feel that I can't wait to be an old lady sitting in a rocking chair with decades of storyline behind me. My life story is my belt of truth (Ephesians 6:14). It will feed me and sustain me when I'm old .... 

Your eyes saw my unformed body;
    all the days ordained for me were written in your book
    before one of them came to be.
How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
    How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
    they would outnumber the grains of sand—
    when I awake, I am still with you.

(Psalm 139:16-18, NIV)

Anyway, this post was way different to what I meant to write, LOL. But this topic leads nicely into the next one I'm going to write, so I will be back again on Wednesday with more.

My friends, do you have moments of hindsight you look back on, where you understand what God was doing?

Loads of love


Raising Godly Kids: The Bible and Archeological Treasures

My friends Secret room

You never know just HOW God will speak to one of your kids!

Something cool just happened in my world:

My son, Travis, who is now a young adult, hasn't been to church with me for quite a few years. He went for a while when he was younger, but there came a point where it was his choice. He was about 14 at the time.

(Parents of teens get to that point sometimes).

He has always been an intellectually curious boy - In particular, he likes science and engineering, and he thoroughly enjoys watching factual videos on YouTube that have given him a great general knowledge.

He's often talked to me about things like space rockets, volcanoes, science experiments, and such like. I grin at him and love the fact he's got that strength. That's my son.

Anyway: Here's what happened this week.

I found out -- to my surprise -- that he has been watching a YouTube channel called Expedition Bible ! On this channel, an archeologist describes how different aspects of the Bible are supported by archeological findings. These videos are well researched, presented in a thoughtful and captivating way, and there are videos on all sorts of things, including:

  • Sodom and Gomorrah
  • Jesus' tomb
  • Nineveh
  • Pharoahs in Biblical times
  • Moab
  • King David
  • The Canaanites

... And more!

This week I started to watch the channel myself, and -- WOW -- I'm afraid I have sunk into a binge-watching state, and today will not be going out anywhere. No, instead I will be drinking tea all day and watching this channel. Yes, my friends, today's post is even a little late because I have been busy watching Expedition Bible this morning instead of getting my post up quickly LOL.

In all seriousness, though:

What I most love about this is that I did nothing to make my son go near this topic. Well, not much: It would have helped that over the years he's seen how much I love God and reading the Bible. In that way, he was not brought up rejecting the Bible, so he would have an open heart to start with. But with this channel, he went there off his own bat. And I believe God led him there: God knows how my boy's brain works -- well, God made him so -- and God found him a channel that was the perfect way to reach him and crack open the Word for him.

It's so cool!

SUMites, I believe that God will find similar ways to speak to all of our children. We just might have to be patient.

As a final note, this morning, I sent Travis a WhatsApp saying "Expedition Bible!! Where have I been all my life?! I love it!!!"

He wrote back saying "Good to hear. I've watched pretty much all of them by now."

So I thank God.

My friends, why don't we share in the comments any stories we have of times where God has touched our family members in unexpected ways?

Loads of love to you today
